The life of a Newsie huh

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Chris’s Pov.
We all cheered and gathered around again.

“Alright so let’s hear some ideas!”

I called to everyone.

“Well we gotta show people where we stand”

Davey added. 

“Ya so we outta stand in their face”

I smirked, making the Newsies chuckle.

“My paper’s the only one printing any strike news so far”

Denton stated.

“So we gotta do somethin so big. That the otha papers are gonna feel stupid if they don’t write about it”

Jack concluded. We all agreed.

“Like a rally! A Newsie rally with all the kids in New York. An we make it the biggest, noisiest, loudest blow out dis towns eva seen!”

I spoke up. Luckily everyone was very into it. 

“Send a message to the big boys”

Davey added. I smiled as old Mr. Tibbs brought out a tray of rootbeers. Everyone began to grab one.

“There’s a lot of us. Who ain’t goin away. An well fight until damn doomsday if it means we get a fair share”

I finished. Everyone all agreed with me, making me smile. 

“Hey guys. To our man Denton”

Davey toasted. I went to grab a glass but there weren’t any left, so I just raised my hand. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and looked over to see Spot offering me half of his glass of rootbeer. I smiled, taking it and raising my glass before downing the rest. We all sat down again and I looked over at Jack.

“So Jacky. Since it’s a party of sorts, you uh… gonna bring Sara?”

I smirked making a bunch of the Newsies pipe up and cat call. Jack just smiled, shaking his head.

“I might I might”

He chuckled.

“Wait, so we’s aloud to bring a date?”

Mush asked.

“Oh come on Mush you da hell are you gonna bring huh?”

Race chuckled. Mush sat down next to me leaning an arm on my shoulder. I felt a hand tighten around my arm, it was Spots… huh?

“Well… Chris...”

Mush wasn’t able to finish his sentence before Jack hit him over the head with a paper, making us all laugh. I knew Mush was only kidding, he lived for getting on Jack's nerves.

“No one’s takin Chris. She’s off limits. You all got dat?”

Jack was dead serious. I decided to keep the mood lively

“Jack yous makin it very hard ta find a boyfriend”


Jack concluded, making everyone laugh again. After a bit most of us decided to leave. The only ones left were me, Race, Spot, Mush, and Snipeshooter, all playing poker. I slammed my hand on the table.

“Royal flush, all in hearts”

I smirked as everyone groaned, putting their small amount of money on the table.

“Some day. Someday I’s gonna beat ya Chris”

Race vowed.

“Yeah when the Delanceys fly Race”

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