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Spot’s Pov.
They’d kept us in a holding cell all night, but I still couldn’t find Chris. I swear if they laid a hand on her they’ll be hell to pay.

“All rise, all rise court is now in session. Judge E.A Monahan presiding” a fancy guy said.

“Are any of you represented by council?” the judge asked. We all looked at each other. What? “No? Good, good. That will move things along considerably”

This is ridiculous.

“Your honor I object” I sighed.

“On what grounds?” he asked

“On the grounds of Brooklyn you honor” I smirked, everyone laughed around me.

“I fine each of you five dollars” the judge slammed his stick “Or two weeks confinment in the house of refuge” he said.

What! Was this guy crazy? We don’t got that kind of money!

“Whoa whoa. Hey we don’t got five bucks. We ain’t even got five cents” Race sighed before me smirked “Hey your honor how bout I roll you for it huh? Double or nothing”

We all laughed. God this kid’s got an addiction.

“Allright move along, move along” the judge dismissed.

Suddenly the doors were opened and Denton came in with  Les and the mouth.

“Your honor I’ll pay the fines, all of them” he stated.

We all smiled and stepped out of the box thing. 

“Hey fellas you alright?” The mouth asked “Hey where’s Jack and Chris?”

“Look we gotta meet at the restaurant, everybody. We have to talk” Denton said to us.

“Pay the clerk! Move it along!” the judge smacked his stick again.

We all moved and then Jack and Chris came out. My fists clenched seeing her with a black eye and a busted lip. Race and Davey held my arms just in case, but I shrugged them off.

“Heya boys” Chris smirked.

“Hey Kelly’s nice shinas” Race laughed.

Chris laughed back but Jack just looked at Denton.

“Hey Denton I guess we made all the papes this time” he smiled “So how’d my picta look?”

“None of the papers covered the rally, not even the Sun” Denton sighed

“What!” Chris yelled.

I saw he wince as the cop holding her tightened his grip. I clenched my jaw. 

They walked the siblings over infront of the judge as another cop read the charges.

“Case of Jack and Christine Kelly” I saw Chris cringe at her full name “Inciting to riot, assault, resisting arrest”

“Judge Monahan I’ll speak for these young children” Snider walked up. Oh great. Snider had fake remorse all over his face.

“You two know each other, ain’t that nice” Jack mumbled.

“Just move it along Warden Snider,” the judge grumbled.

“These children's real names are Francis and Minnie Sullivan” Snider began. Wait what! I looked at Chris, she seemed just as confused as us. How could she lie to- The train accident. I’m gonna kill Jack “Their mother’s deceased, there father’s a convict in a state penitentiary. Both are escapees from the house of refuge, where their original sentence for three months was extended to six months for disruptive behavior. 

“Like demanding we eat the food you steal from us” Chris growled.

That’s my girl alright.

“Followed by an additional six months for attempted escape” Snider finished.

“Attempted?” Jack questioned “Last time wasn’t an attempted escape. Remember Snider? You remember us and Teddy Roosevelt and the carriage? Remember Roosevelt and the carriage!” Jack questioned.

But no one paid him any attention.

“Therefore I ask that they both be returned to the house of refuge”

“Away for our own good right can we move along?” Chris interrupted “For our own good and what he kicks back to you” 

But again Snider just continued his statement.

“And that the court ordered his incarceration till the age of 21, Miss. Sullivans till the age of 23 for the good of her safety. In the hope that we may yet guide them to a useful and productive life” Snider finished.

“No!” Chris screamed.

“So ordered” The judge finished.

“No!” Les yelled from beside us.

I was trying to get to her but the boys held me back.

“Chris! Chris!”

“Spot!” she struggled to get out of their grips as they dragged her away “Spot!”

“Chris!” I yelled.

But it was no use. They dragged her off, I couldn’t do anything about it. I’d lost her, I couldn’t protect her and I lost her to the refuge. I was pissed. I collapsed to my knees as the sounds of her protests and screams melted away. I nearly cried but I wouldn’t let myself, not here. God what were we gonna do? I needed to save her.

* - * - * - *

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. I need to write more of this story.

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