Extra: Odyssey of Global Air 33 (Part 1)

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Hello again!!

Here's a little bonus for all the readers that put up with my completely ridiculous update schedule.



25,000  Feet  Above  Queens, New York
June 3, 2011 || 16:35 EDT

"Attention Passengers," the pilot proclaims calmly and confidently. "We will be starting our final approach into JFK in the next few minutes. So please calmly return to your seats and buckle in. And please refer to the flight attendants for any assistance."

The fasten seat belt light turns on and chimes calmly at the front and rear of the passenger cabin of the 737. The three flight attendants roam the aisles to help people buckle in and secure any lose items.

In the cockpit, Captain Johnathan Kurk observes his dials and keeps the aircraft on a steady course.

"As always, we thank you for flying Global Airlines. The superior way to travel," he smirks, ending the comforting announcement for the passengers.

Captain Kurk turns to his copilot and comments on how uneventful the flight has been. With smooth weather throughout and an encouraging tailwind upon take-off from Heathrow in London.

"Don't worry," the copilot, a guy named Magellan, chuckled. "There's still a lot more time for something more exciting to happen."

**Chibi Spiderman walks out, dressed in a pinstripe suit and speaks:

"You are on a commuter flight from London to New York; about 14 miles out from Kennedy Airport, and on final approach.

"What happens from her on out has no ramifications on the craft or crew. Both are well-oiled machines performing the best of their ability.

"The craft is simply going to a place is wasn't meant to go. A place you are familiar with. A place called....


As though the Fates were listening, the sky outside the cockpit turned grey and the air churned violently.

"Well, speak of the devil," Kurk grunts as he tightens his grip on the controls.

The aircraft shutters violently, as he calls back to passengers—informing them that this is just some freak turbulence and that everything will be fine. When in fact he doesn't know what is going on.

"What the heck is going on?" Magellan grunts as he turns on the assist to relieve some of the burden for Kurk.

The jet lurched backwards sharply, as though being pulled. In response, Kurk throttled up and Magellan hit the fasten seatbelts button.

The last thing they saw was flames and a massive blue disk that was drawing them in.

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