Ch. 20: Overwhelmed

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Parker Residence
Queens, New York

June 3, 2011 || 16:16 EDT

Robin worked tirelessly as he ran a search of every traffic cam and security camera in the city. He still couldn't find the SUV the Hydra goons used to take Artemis. He glanced up for a minute to check on his friends.

He saw M'gann and Ava huddled around Zatanna and trying to comfort her. A quick glance to the right confirmed that Luke and Danny were attempting the same with the ailing speedster. Said redhead was currently rage eating a box of energy bars.

Joe was on his phone, shouting at his alternate. Angrily informing him of who the mole was. His free hand balled into a fist and waving around angrily with each statement.

Robin just sighed as he scrolled through more camera feeds. He was hoping that wherever Artemis is, that she was staying strong.


3 Miles Below the East River
16:20 EDT

Artemis grunted as she struggled against her captors. She tugged, kicked, and thrashed to no avail. Her hands bound behind her back as the two bricks dragged her down a long hallway.

They shoved her throw a doorway and tossed the blonde archer to her knees. Landing her in front of the large, imposing, robotic form of Arnim Zola.

The Geriatric Android stood proud and menacingly before her.

"Enjoying your accommodations?" Zola smirked in sadistic enjoyment.

The fiery blonde glared at the metal man, "Oh please... I've had worse treatment from my own father."

Her voice filled with a waning sense of confidence and much malice. Her stormy grey eyes not yielding under the gaze of the mechanical man, whom just smirked and cackled evilly.

"Then you won't mind us running a few tests, then?" Zola smirked.

The goons holding onto her elbows tightened their grip, making her question, "What kind of tests?"

Her brow quirked, both in intrigue and as if mocking his sense of authority.

Zola gestured to the computer machine behind him, where his top experts have removed the true Transdimensional Transceiver from its protective violin-shaped housing.

"While the device can briefly open small portals on its own, it requires more... information about the foreign universe," he explained, as one scientist approached with a set of syringes.

One of the men gripped her head and shoved it to the side, in order to expose her neck, as another scientist grabbed one of the syringes and cautiously inserted it into her neck——taking a blood sample.

"Specifically, it needs a source of matter from the foreign universe," Zola grinned madly, as the scientists continue to take blood from the archer.

Artemis winced with each prick, and soon became slightly lightheaded from the loss of blood. She stumbled more as the goons restrained her in a chair. She watched as the pair of scientists placed each individual vial of her blood into a slot on the far side of the computer.

In the center of the large computational machine was the Transceiver. It started to buzz and glow a deep blue as it it started to feast on the data from the archer's blood like a vampire. Or maybe a leech, since every single light in the facility started to dim dramatically. Eventually, the only thing providing light was the transceiver itself; bathing the large metal-lined chamber in an eerie blue glow as its buzzing kept increasing in pitch.

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