Chapter 5: Spitfire Meets WhiteSpider

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A/n: Again, sorry for the wait. College coureses are very time consuming.

June 3 13:20 EDT

Wally and Artemis walk through the crowded streets of Midtown as Kid's stomach starts to growl.

"Seriously?" Artemis growls in response.

"We just fought a bunch of Clay Face-like monsters, and I'm stressing out about being trapped in another dimension!" Wally returns with a similar amount of disgust. "With my metabolism, we're lucky I'm not in a diabetic coma."

When his stomach growls a second time, they disgruntedly start looking for a place to eat. For the speedster, salvation arrives in the form of a streetside food vendor serving hotdogs.

"You're paying," Artemis declares as they approach the cart.

"Of course, Beautiful," Wally chimes.

The vendor just stares at him in shock as a small crowd watches the young red head eat nearly twenty hotdogs in one go. Eventually after eatting another ten, Wally pays for his meal and Artemis's one hotdog, and they continue their journey.

"I have a high metabolism," Wally shares reluctantly with the staring crowd.

Artemis just scoffs, and pulls him along behind her; mumbling about how he always has to embarass her. Wally just chuckles at the comment.

After a few minutes of walking, Wally looks over at Artemis. He notices that she appears to be more discomforted than usual. He asks her what is bothering her. At first, she tries to just brush it off. But, Wally, as usual, sees straight through her tough girl act.

"Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to pester you about it until you explode?" Wally teases, sincerely.

Artemis stops walking and stares at the ground.


"What are we going to do Wally?" she asks suddenly. "What if Joe's plan fails, and there is no way for us to get back? What do we do then?"

"I'm pretty sure this plan will work," Wally says confidently. "Besides if it doesn't then I'll just have to fidget with that violin again. It worked once why not once more?"

He chuckles nervously, "Besides, I'm pretty sure that your family, as well as mine, are probably driving Bats crazy about getting us back."

"Yeah," Artemis replies chuckling. "Dinah probably has Ollie in a straight jacket in order to kept him from doing something stupid. And my sister and mother are probably driving Red Arrow up a wall over finding a way to get here."

Wally shares his own laughter.

"Yeah. And Hal and John are probably doing their best to keep my uncle from punching a hole in reality."

After a few minutes of laughter, the two of them stare at each other lovingly.

"Ya good, Beautiful?" Wally asks light-heartedly, leaning his forehead onto hers.

"Yeah," the archer smirks. "But I still feel like I need something to punch."

"You and me both," Wally charms.

He leans in to kiss her lips, when their moment is interupted by the sound of a loud bang. A loud alarm bell follows.

They turn to see the sight of four heavily armed men exiting the blown up remains of the bank across the street.

"Duty calls," Wally sighs in defeat.

The speedster goes to move away, but Artemis grabs the sides of his face and pulls him down to lock his lips with hers.

"I love it when you take control," Wally says charmingly when they break for air.

"Oh, I know," Artemis flirts. She pecks his lips once more.

"Just leave one for me, alright?" she says, refering back to the four men that are making a break for their vacant get away car at the other end of the block.

"Of course, Beautiful," the speedster smirks. "Back in a Flash."

He zooms away, leaving the archer to scoff at his horribly overused and cliche pun, as she runs behind a dumpster in an alley to change. She undoes the zipper on the bag and is engulfed in smoke. When it clears, she finds that the the bag has turned into her bow and quiever, and that her clothes have turned into her costume.

After commenting on Zatana's handiwork, the blonde archer grapples up to the roof; just in time to save Wally from the goon that was trying to get the drop on him.

She zip-lines down; kicking the goon in the back and using his shoulders as a springboard in order to flip over Kid Flash and take out the guy in front of him in a similar manner. All while trapping the last two thugs in polyurethane foam.

"Hey!" Kid Flash exclaims, annoyed that his girlfriend took out all the goons before he could even take out one.

"Sorry," Artemis apologizes fakely, but mostly gloating about her victory. "But you were taking too long."

"And I thought I was fast," KF quips. "How did you...?"

"The bag was charmed," Artemis replies bluntly, catching the speedster's train of thought.

"We should get out of here," she adds. "The cops will be here any minute, and we do not want to get spotted."

But before they can take another step, someone jumps down in front of them; blocking their path. Said person is clad in a white, skin-tight costume that resembles a cat.

"You two are not going anywhere!" the white cat shouts aggressively.

In response, Artemis drops a pair of smoke pellets and vanishes; leaving a very confused speedster and cat.

"I hate it when she does that," Kid blanches, as he suddenly finds himself dodging a punch from the white cat.

A/N: Again, sorry for the late update....

...But who else is excited that now both teams have come in contact with each other?

I have a few ideas on the other pairs, but I would like to know your input as well.

Comment what other match ups and characters you would like to see in this story in the comments below.

Comrade General Out!

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