Chapter Three: Your Friendily Neighborhood....Young Justice?

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A/n: Any text that appears like this are Spiderman's fourth-wall cut-aways.

New York City
June 3
11:45 EDT

Today was just another normal day for Peter Parker as he swings down Fifth Avenue. He eventually makes his way down Broadway, after passing over Times Square.

"That so-called hero Spiderman is a MENACE!!!" The oversized face of J. Jonah Jameson beratingly shouts from one of the large T.V. screens.

"Good day to you, too, Jamie," Spidey responds sarcastically.

He eventually comes to a stop on top of one of several warehouses that line the waterfront on the southside of the island. Here, he meets up with his team.

"What we doin' today, Spidey?" Power Man asks.

"Well guys," Spiderman start, "Today's mission is simple. In one of these warehouses is an A.I.M. laboratory that is experimenting in...get this...interdimensional travel."

"You mean like the technology you used that time when you assembled an army of Spidermen to take down Green Goblin?" White Tiger surmises.

"Yeah, kind of," Peter replies. "Except I used a magical artifact."

"So what's the plan, Pete?" Luke asks suavely.

"Fury wants us to observe and report. Do not interfer unless necessary," Peter replies confidently.

After that, the squad splits up with Spiderman taking one corner and White Tiger and Power Man taking two more; Nova patrols the skies above the warehouse, while Iron Fist hides behind some crates in the last corner.

Spiderman and his team silently observe the scientists, as they work with several large pieces of high tech hardware attached to a gateway-like structure. Everything is peaceful for a while.

Suddenly, the scientists start to run around in a frenzy as an alarm is triggered. Several are shouting out orders in German.

"What's going on?" Tiger questions concerningly.

"I don't know," Spiderman replies. "Just hold your positions."

Spiderman then crawls along one of the walls in order to get a better viewing angle.

Suddenly, a spinning blue disk, a portal, appears on the ceiling. The scientists clear out of the way as a group of screaming costumed teens falls through it.

Now that had to hurt, Spidey chides mentally.

Now normally, that would deserve an instant replay. But, instead, I'm just going to watch how this plays out since.....I DON'T HAVE CLUE ABOUT WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!


The Team falls through the other end of the portal. They land hard on the concrete floor of what appears to be a dimmly lit abandoned warehouse.

After checking that no one is seriously injured, Artemis immediately lunges at Kid Flash--making good on her threat. In response, Wally hides behind Superboy as Robin, Joe, and Kaldur try to restrain Artemis; the latter person telling her that now is not the time for in-fighting.

For as they start to look around, they realize that they are not alone. They notice that they are being surrounded by heavily armed goons in HazMat suits.

"Who are you?" one of the goons asks bluntly, but due to his accent it sounds more like "Vho are woo?".

"I could ask you the same thing, yelly" KF quips, commenting on the goons' choice of suit color.

Link established, Miss Martian informs the Team mentally.

Take defensive positions! Aqualad commands.

They form a circle as the goons encircle them.

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