Chapter One: A Rogue Souvenir

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Mount Justice
June 3  11:25 EDT

The Team returns to The Cave after another successful mission.

This time, they helped Flash capture one of his Rogues. The Music Miester, he called him.

After returning to the Cave, they huddle next to the TV and discuss what to do for the rest of the day, while Kid Flash inspects his souvenir.

It, the souvenir, was some kind of musical instrument that Miester was using to get an upper hand on the Flash. It enabled Miester to teleport from one place to another.

While fidgetting with it, the small violin-like instrument starts to vibrate intensely. The young speedster drops the instrument, and it starts to glow blue. The glow catches the attention of the rest of the Team.

"Baywatch, what did you do?" Artemis shouts curiously and furiously.

"Nothing!" Kid Flash replies without haste. "Or atleast I don't think I did anything?"

The instrument's glow intensifies and becomes blinding.


Dimensional Breach Imminent!"

The Cave's computer chimes calmly, despite the ever increasing intensity of the situation.

"Oh that can't be good," Joe, the Team's public liaison and Cave's head of security, says disheartedly.

Suddenly, the instrument explodes and creates a small spinning, blue disk-like structure on the floor in front of them. The small portal starts to pull the Team into itself. And try as they might, the young heroes--and one soldier--just can't escape its grasp.

"Hang on!" Robin pleads, as they all lose their grip on the ground and get sucked into the portal.

A few seconds later, the portal closes--leaving no traces of the Team behind.

A few more seconds pass before the zeta tubes start listing the names of nearly half of the Justice League and one trillionaire and his staff.

They all have the same question:

Where is the Team?

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