Ch. 12 (Part 2)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. These online courses I signed up for are little more demanding than I thought they would be. Anyway, here's Part 2 of Three vs. One!


Times Square
June 3 13:35 EDT

As the three heroines watch the fight on screen, Nova flies over the square and spots them. He grins and descends. Hovering in front and over them.

"Yo! Ladies!" he calls.

The girls look up.

Raquel puts her hands on her hips, close to the controls for her belt, and sasses, "Why, hello there, Fly Guy."

Nova scowls at the comment.

Annoyed, he tells them, "Look. I have orders to bring you three in. By force, if necessary."

With the way he's emphasizing the word "force", the girls agree to press further.

"By who's orders?" Zatanna barks, a spell on the tip of her tongue.

"Sorry, dollface, but that's classified," Nova says teasingly.

M'gann? Zee asks via the mind link.

Trying! the red head replies. But his mind is shielded. It's like trying to see through a brick wall!

Umm...girls? Raquel says, pointing toward the large screen they were watching a few seconds ago.

The video clip shows a small, but violent explosion. From the smoke and flames emerges the one the anchorman identified as Spiderman. In his arms... the unconscious form of a familiar green-clad, blonde archer.

"Artemis!" Megan shouts in shock, and turns to face the rocketman.

Nova looks down and, for a moment, empathizes with them.

But, that moment of unbalanced emotion is all it takes for the Martian to establish a connection and briefly enter his mind. She peers through it and sees several flashes of images.

She sees him fighting people in armored costumes.

She sees him being controlled by Zola.

She sees him, the tiger, and two others getting orders from Spiderman to hunt them down!!

"You're responsible for this!!!" Megan shouts, as she transforms into Miss Martian and launches herself at Nova.

Nova dodges and fires a blast at the green-skinned girl, which hit her square in the chest. Throwing her back and into a parked car.

"M'gann!!!" Raquel screams, running over to aid her friend.

"You're gonna regret that, Rocket Boy!" Zatanna scolds.

"Whatcha gonna do, Dollface?" Nova teases.

Zatanna scolds, and spreads her stance.

"yrt eht oreh kool!!" she declares.

As a result, her and Raquel emerge from a cloud of smoke in their costumes. Ready to crush this spaceman!

"Ooooh... So you gave each other an instant makeover," he taunts. "I'm soooooo scared."

"You should be," M'gann growls launching herself at the human rocket.

Nova dodges her advance, but is struck from behind by one of Rocket's energy blasts. He grunts in pain, and spins around to blast her only for the beams to bounce off her force bubble.

M'gann! Zatanna shouts in her mind. What else did you see? Does he have any weaknesses?

M'gann closes her eyes and concentrates; thinking back on what she was able to grab from the spaceman's mind. She then opens here eyes and smirks.

His helmet she relays. It's the source of his powers!

Zee smirks, and recites, "Evig me, sih temleh!!"

Nova is flying around shooting at Raquel, "Take that girly-- Woah!!"

He suddenly sees his blasts stop, and realizes that his suit has disappeared. As he continues forward for a few seconds, he feels his face and finds that his helmet is gone!

"This is so not cooooooolll!!!!" he screams in terror as he falls.

He sees the pavement approaching fast, and cries his lungs out; only to find that he's stopped falling. He quiets down and looks up to see that the girl he was shooting at has caught him.

Rocket chuckles as she carries him.

"You scream like a girl," she giggles.

"I do not!!" he argues back, as he feet finally touch the ground.

But, after Rocket lets go, M'gann corners him; her eyes glowing violently.

"I'm sorry," she starts verbally, then places her heads on either sides of his head and continues mentally, But we need to know.

Although he jumps at the new voice in his head, the soothing tone of the green girl's voice convinces him to let her seek out what she needs from his mind. She shares it with the other two girls, and they all are assaulted with a series of images. Showing them that he, too, is a member of a team of young heroes. That they are assigned semi-covert missions by an agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. That he knows what it's like to juggle the hero life and normalacy. And, also, that he's scared of bunnies.

The girls laugh at this as the link ends.

Sam just scoffs and tries to ignore the blush spreading across his cheeks.

"It's not that funny," he growls.

"Sorry, Flyboy," Raquel giggles. "But it is."

He just grumbles in response; asking for his helmet back.

Zatanna complies. He catches it when she tosses it to him, and puts it back on.

He hovers above them a little, as Zatanna gets a text.

"It's from Robin," the mage says. "It's a location he wants us to meet him at."

Nova peers down and, "I know that address! It's Pete's--I mean, Spidey's place over in Queens. It must be where he took your other two friends. I can show the way, if you'd like?"

The girls share a look before agreeing.

"Lead the way, Spaceman," M'gann quips, as she flies after him.

Raquel follows, and Zee does, too, after reciting a levitation spell.

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