Chapter 14

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I walked into the house, closing the door behind me. Feet run down the stairs as I turn around locking eyes with Ruby's. She stops on the steps and stares at me. Neither of us speak for a moment till I take a step forward placing my hand on the railing. "Ruby, we need to talk," I start but the girl shakes her head from side to side.

"We have nothing to talk about," She says turning on her heels beginning to walk back up the steps. Quickly I boost myself off of the railing and head up after her. I follow her to her bedroom, stopping the door as it closes. I push it back open and walk into Ruby's room, noticing the walls a blue and black color with posters hung everywhere. I take in the wall of pictures, a small smile tugging at my lips seeing a picture of me and her. "Where's my mom?" I look to the girl to see her not even looking at me. She stands in the middle of her room, facing the window and scrolling through her phone.

"She's not here at the moment," I tell her, taking a deep breath in and then out. Ruby turns around and looks at me.

"Obviously. But where is she? Did you kidnap her and stick her in your trunk?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes, chuckling a bit. "I was being serious." I nod my head up and down now, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah I know. But no. She's fine. She's giving us time" I watch Ruby as she turns back around and walks towards a door. She opens it and walks in, shutting it behind her. A sigh escapes my lips as I slowly walk over and knock gently. "Ruby, come on kid."

"I don't want to talk. Just go. You're good at that!" Ruby shouts through the door. I drop my hand from the door and look down at the ground. I watch the shadows underneath the door and shake my head. I knock back on the door.

"I'm not going anywhere. It wasn't a choice to walk away Ruby. It was best for everyone!"

"For everyone? You mean yourself!" I shake my head at her comment. I bite my lip and think hard, thinking of what to say next, not really knowing but I knew i had to fight back. I had to keep going to make her trust me, or at least come out of this damn bathroom or closet.

"No Ruby! Me and your mother decided that it was best if I just left-" I pause a moment, staring at the door. "We knew, I knew I had problems. Neither one of us were perfect! I let her get hurt and I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you. I'm sorry to her. And I'm sorry for myself. But keep bringing up the past isn't going to fix anything if you're not willing to forgive Ruby. We're family..." I let my voice trail off as my eyes close, tears slipping through as I lean against the door. Silence fills the atmosphere. I can't hear movement, I can't hear anything from Ruby's side of the door. All I can hear is my heart beating fast. But that doesn't stop me from continuing to speak.

"I caused your mother pain. I know I did. And now I'm causing you pain and...I never wanted to hurt you or your mother. I love you Ruby and I still care about your mother. I'm not willing to let go of you or her this easily. Not anymore. I can't. Because we're family. And like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch once said, Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind..." I stop for a moment hearing a click. I pull my head back from the door seeing it slightly open. Before I knew it, my eyes met with Ruby's teary blue ones.

"Or forgotten," she whispers as she steps outside, falling into me. I hold open my arms, wrapping them around her, feeling tears begin to soak into my shirt. We stand there in silence. I hold her tight, closing my eyes trying to hold back my own tears. Till finally we sink down to the floor, where I lean against the wall. Ruby's face buried inside the crook of my neck as I feel her tears still coming. I let her. I let her cry it all out and wait till I hear it soften. Till it becomes a little quieter, a little more calm. I lean up and cup her face in my palms. I lift up her head, making our eyes locked. I tilt my head, placing a soft, gentle smile against my lips as I rub my thumbs back and forth on her cheeks wiping away her tears.

"Pretty girls shouldn't cry," I whisper, removing one hand and using all my fingers to wipe at her tears. Once I finish she shakes her head as I place my hand back on her face.

"Mm well...." Her voice trails off as she pulls away gently wiping at her own face now. I let my hands fall to my lap as I watched her, with a genuine smile on my lips, no teeth showing. She takes a moment before looking at me. She looks away almost immediately and looks to her wall ahead of us. I let her take a moment once more, remaining silent when I see her slowly turn her head. Our eyes locked once more.

"I never wanted to hurt you kid. I never wanted to hurt your mother either..." Ruby nods her head up and down slowly. I bite my lip and nod, taking a glance to my lap watching my fingers mess with one another.

"Because you still love her." I look up and meet Ruby's eyes followed with a smile on her lips. "I can tell Beca. You've almost said it twice. And everytime you look at me I know you think of her because everytime she looks at me...she thinks of you." Silence filled the air between us and I shook my head chuckling a bit.

"You're something else kid," I chuckle shaking my head. I glance back up to see her shrug her shoulders and run her hand through her hair.

"What can I say? A demon one moment and then an angel." Both of us look at one another and then crack up laughing. I shake my head, rolling my eyes. "But seriously. I know..I know that my behaviour sucks-"

"Speaking of which. Chloe told me you got suspended," I said, cutting her off. Ruby sticks out her lips and then looks to the left, looking away from me. "I get why. But kid you got to try and not...not to that type of stuff."

"Yeah yeah. But I was angry, upset, and a bunch of other things. I just punched the kid." Ruby shrugs her shoulders as my eyes widened and my eyebrows scrunched together. Tiny chuckles escape from the young girl.

" think that's funny?" I ask, referring to my facial expression. Ruby nods her head up and down as she continues laughing. "Well...Is this funny?" I get up on my knees and begin tickling the girl. She falls back on her back and screams of laughter. I continue tickling her stomach, earning hard, full blown out laughs even a couple snorts before hearing a chuckle at the door. I stop tickling Ruby and look up to meet Chloe's eyes. Ruby sits up, breathing, trying to get her breath back to normal.

"I see you two have made up," Chloe speaks softly, a smile dancing on her lips as she leans against the doorframe. I look at Ruby and Ruby looks at me. We both turn back to Chloe nodding our head yes. "That was creepy, but I'm glad to hear." She leans up and walks into the room a bit. I see Ruby stand up and I follow. Ruby walks over to Chloe and wraps her arms around her. Chloe looks at me and I shrug as the ginger haired girl wraps her arms around our daughter. And with a blink of the eye Chloe coughs out laughs. I look down to realize Ruby's tickling her. I throw my head back as Chloe runs towards the bed and falls down. Quickly I run over and help Ruby. Both of us tickle the woman who erupts into loud laughter and begging, pleading for us to stop...

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