Chapter 9

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We climb out of the car from awkward silence driving over here. Usually the kid's very talkative. But today and even yesterday her whole self has been off. I shake the thought off as we round the corner. Ruby was ahead of me and suddenly turned and pushed me back. I tilted my head to the side and looked at her. She looked into my eyes for a long second before leaning back a bit, but quickly looked back at me.

"Kid, what's up?" I ask, trying to walk past her, but she puts up her hands shaking her head from side to side. "Ruby, come on." I finally manage to get past her and immediately stop when my blue eyes spot Chloe. Her arms are wrapped around some guy and their lips are locked. I can't look away nor could I move. Not till I felt Ruby grab my hand pulling me to the car. I let her, my eyes still in Chloe's direction.

"Beca? Beca? Beca!" Ruby shouts. I jump from her voice and our eyes lock. Ruby looks at me with a concerned look and then glances over her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I know it's hard-"

"I-It's okay kid," I say, cutting her off. I run my hand through my hair, before looking past the young girl. "You know what, it's fine. It doesn't even bother me. We're still going to get Jo's. It's our spot." I lean up from the car to earn a questioning, uneasy look from Ruby. I give her a small smile before walking past her, feeling her soon catch up. We stand side by side up to the cafe just in time for Chloe and I to lock eyes.

"Hey," Chloe says, biting her lip, nervously looking between me and Ruby and then back to the guy she's with. I look over to Ruby to see her staring at her mother. I clench my jaw before looking back, finally seeing this guy's face. "Um..Jake, will you wait in the car?" The guy nods giving me and Ruby a smile before walking off. I watch him as he walks off to a car, before I advert my eyes back to my ex. "Ruby, how's your time with...Beca?"

"It's great," Ruby says, a smile against her lips. I smile back when her eyes lock with mine. I look to Chloe who already has their eyes on me. I look away almost immediately and rub the back of my neck.

"That's..good," Chloe pauses then continues. "Well I'll see you Monday Ruby. Have a good one. Both of you." I glanced up for a moment seeing Chloe's eyes on mine. She nods her head and turns on her heels, walking off. I stop tensing and let out a low, soft sigh looking over to Ruby. Her eyes are already on me and she tilts her head.

"What?" I say. She shakes her head grabbing my hand and dragging me into the café.


It's been 2 hours since we ate and got back home. Ruby went off to her room, saying she was tired. I let her go and sat down on the couch. I hadn't gotten up since. The tv was on and everything else was just...fine. Till I heard something shatter from upstairs. I jump from my seat and turn around, facing the stairs. "Ruby?" I shout. No response. Slowly I rise from the couch and make my way towards the stairs. "Ruby?" It escapes my lips once more but still no response. Step by step I take, slowly going up till I get to her bedroom door. I raise my arm and gently knock on the door, before entering. My eyes glance around not seeing anyone. Carefully I walk in and head towards the bathroom connected to the room. There I see Ruby sitting on the edge of the bathtub, glass surrounding her on the floor. And a red substance dripping from her hand.

Quickly I step in and watch through the glass, till i get to her, bending down. Her head remains down. I gently look down, picking up her hand seeing it bruising and all cut up. Blood pouring from it. I stand and look for a towel. I grab a fresh one above the toilet and turn the faucet on, getting it wet. I turn back to Ruby and wrap the tiny towel onto her knuckles. Afterwards, I reach up my hand and pinch the girl's chin, tilting her head up. From there I noticed something about her lip and eye. "Ruby?"

"I..I'm sorry," she whispered, through tears. I shake my head and remove my hand from her chin, putting my thumb to my lips licking it before wiping at the young girl's face. There, makeup comes off and a busted lip appears. My eyes widen and fear rises in me. I go up to her eye and gently press down only to have the girl jump back. "D-Don't please." I shake my head and do it, anyone finally spotting a black eye. I close my eyes and remove my hand. I look down to her hand, opening my eyes.

"Ruby...what happened?" I ask, gently. The air between us fills with silence till a soft sigh escapes her unsteady lips.

"It doesn't matter," she says, going to stand. I stop her and set her right back down. "Beca, please."

"Kid, you have a busted lip and eye. And your hand is bleeding. What the hell is going on?" My voice was higher than I anticipated. I bite my lip, staring into her eyes, waiting for a response. The kid however looks away from my eyes, to where the glass laid on the floor around us. I glanced down at her hand, picking up the towel to see blood covering it. I stand for a second searching through the cabinets and grabbing some rubbing alcohol and a big wrap bandage. I go back to where Ruby sits looking down at her hand. I bend down in front of her again, wincing in pain. But shake it off attending to Ruby's wound. Once I finish with it, I look up to meet Ruby's eyes full of tears. Gently I stood and wrapped my arms around her, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub beside her. She leans into me, tears escaping a bit more.

"Ruby...who gave you that black eye?" I ask, the question lingering in the air.

"Just...some k-kids at school," Ruby whispered. I shut my eyes and held Ruby closer. Within a few moments Ruby sits up and wipes her eyes. Wincing and jumping everytime she would hit her eye. I stand slowly, and hold out my hand. She grabs it and we make our way out of the bathroom and away from the glass. She takes a seat on her bed and I stand staring at her.

"Rub, does your mom know?" I ask. Ruby's head shoots up and she stands quickly, holding up her hands.

"You can't tell her. Please!" Ruby pleaded, shaking her head. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ruby, she can help you," I tell the girl. Ruby shakes her head from side to side, her hands shaking as well. Her eyes pleaded, begging as if she was a dog. "Kid, come on. You know I have to tell her. She deserve to know-"

"NO!" Ruby shouts and causes my eyes to widen. I stare at her as she sighs loudly and paces back and forth. "Please Beca! I'm handling it."

"Handling it? Ruby look at your face! And what you did to your hand!" I shout back uncrossing my arms. "You're not handling! Let me help you!"

"I DON'T NEED HELP! I HAVEN'T FOR 4 YEARS!" The words escaped her lips and I didn't move. My expression changed though. I wasn't angry, more like confused and questioning and a little upset. I separate my lips to speak when I see the girl grab her bookbag and head for the door. Quickly I run after her. Downstairs I find her about to open the door when it opens for her, revealing Emily who gives Ruby a small smile.

"Em, stop her!" I shout, halfway towards them. Ruby glances over her shoulder before going to exit. But instead Emily wrapped her arms around the girl and quickly shut the door. "Ruby stop!" I make it to them and Emily lets go of Ruby. The three of us stand there, till Emily tilts her head, looking at Ruby. She glances at me and then back.

"Wha-What happened?" Emily asked, tilting her head. Ruby's eyes went to the young girl and shook her head. A soft sigh escapes my lips looking down to the ground when I hear Emily cough. I look up to meet her hazel eyes. "Um..Beca if you don't mind I could take Ruby out for a bit?" I looked to Ruby who's eyes looked to the ground.

"Yeah, that's fine Em," I pause a moment before continuing. "Ruby if it's okay with you..." Slowly Ruby's head nods up and down. I look at Emily and she gives me questioning eyes. I shrug my shoulders and watch as Emily opens the door, allowing Ruby to go first. I step forwards, walking behind Emily till I stop in the doorway. My eyes watching them climb into Emily's black car. I wait a couple of seconds before walking back into the house and shutting the door. I lock it and slowly make my way to the closet, grabbing a broom and dust pan, before making my way back upstairs to the broken glass.

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