Chapter 21

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I sit in the kitchen, staring blankly into the world. My hands were wrapped around a glass cup that was filled with a little bit of milk. I couldn't sleep, I don't know who could in this type of situation. However, I'm glad Chloe is. She managed to cry herself to sleep two hours ago. She fell asleep on me on the couch. Emily and Amy stayed here at the house with us. They're passed out on the floor. I just couldn't sleep.

My phone sits beside me. Every 2 minutes I'm checking it, making sure I don't miss a call or a text from Ruby. Or a missed call from that detective or any cops. But every two minutes more sadness fills inside me, knowing I'm not getting anything. A deep regret eats at me. It's my fault she was taken. It has to be my fault. If I didn't come back into their lives, none of this would be happening. Then again, I wouldn't know my daughter like I do now. But still...she wouldn't be missing right now too.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I pick up the glass, taking a sip. I set the cup down, still staring when I see someone out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head quickly seeing Emily. "Hey Em," I speak gently.

"Hey Beca," she pauses a moment, getting situated in her seat. She turns her body, looking at me. Our eyes lock and I see her lips part. "How are you holding up?" I shrug my shoulders at her question. I honestly don't know how I feel. Everything's building up. I feel her hand on my hand, that's placed on the counter. She squeezes it once, twice pulling me from my thoughts. I look up to meet her eyes once again, shaking my head.

"I don't know Em-" I pause, then continue. "This..This is all my fault."

"No it's not Beca!" Emily's voice raises and the look of panic that smears across her face, shows me she didn't mean too. We stay silent for a moment, listening for movement. When we heard none we looked back at one another. "None of this is your fault. No one knew Ruby was going to be kidnapped. Plus, if anyone's to blame it's me. I could've done something...something more-"

"Em stop. You couldn't have known someone was going to hit you. And that cut looks pretty bad. Why didn't you get it checked out?" I ask. Emily shrugs her shoulders.

"Didn't seem important too. Finding Ruby and making sure she was okay and talking to you and Chloe seemed more important than a little cut on my head." I move my other hand, placing it on top of her now. I pat it a couple times shaking my head.

"I really do appreciate all you've done for me Em. But at the end of the day, you still matter. And that cut, we got to take a look at it," I pause a second hopping down off of the bar stool. "And Em...No matter what situation we're in, know you need to take care of yourself. Always take care of yourself."

"But it's Ruby. Bec." I nod my head at her before walking out of the kitchen and to a closet. I look inside for a minute before finally finding some rubbing alcohol, a cotton ball and a bandaid. I walk back to Emily and take a seat on the bar stool. I screw off the lid to the rubbing alcohol and put some on a cotton ball. I take the cotton ball and reach up to Emily's cut. I start dabbing at the cut, seeing Emily flinch every now and then before squeezing a bit of the alcohol on, quickly dabbing it to make sure it doesn't go into her eye. When I finish I place on the bandaid and give the girl a small smile. We sit in silence as I stand back up tossing away the cotton ball and bandage wrappings before going to put up the rubbing alcohol. When I come back my eyes meet Emily who stares down at my phone that rings. Quickly I run over and look at the caller id. I look at Emily, her looking at me. Quickly I pick up the phone answering it, placing it to my ear.

"Ruby?" I say into the phone.

"Not quite," a familiar voice spoke. "But almost."

"Whoever the hell you are, I want my daughter back!" I shout through the phone. I stare in one spot, hearing the person laugh and cackle. I shake my head, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, waiting for them to speak once again.

"Feisty aren't we. I told you to watch your back, but I thought taking the girl would cause much more damage."

"Listen here you ... " I stop myself, closing my eyes for a second. "What do you want?"

"What do I want? Money."

"Money? Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked into the phone, opening my eyes. I hear another round of laughs escape into the phone from this dude.

"Yeah, I'm kidding. I want Chloe back. I want Ruby to be my daughter. And I want you dead." I clench my jaw and shake my head, looking down to the ground. I stay silent for a long time, feeling Emily's eyes staring at me. But I couldn't look at her. I couldn't think straight, nor could I even speak. "So Beca...I'll make a deal with you. I won't harm little Ruby here if you do me a favor." I turn around, my back facing Emily.

"What is it?" I whisper into the phone.

"You give yourself up. I send you a location, you come and I'll make sure Ruby gets home safely. Once I know you've come and you're alone with no cops or detectives or anything, I'll let Ruby off the hook." I stay silent for another moment biting my lip. "And don't worry, I won't touch your precious 13 year old as long as you do as I say. Do we have an agreement Beca?"

I shook my head, closing my eyes. Tears well up into my eyes, but I squeeze my eyes tightly shut, biting down on my bottom lip feeling the taste of blood. Silence fills on both of our ends as my lips part ways and my words come out shakily.


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