Chapter 13

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Days have passed. I stay cooped up in my bedroom, with only my mixes playing in my ears with a few mumbled shouts of my name. But I don't hear a single thing as I just focus on my music, trying to distract myself. And I've locked the door, no way for anybody to get in. There's no point anyway. Even if I'm getting constant messages from Fat Amy and Emily. Heck I've even gotten a few from Chloe, but all of them have gone left unread.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I lean back in my desk chair, pressing play listening to the song. Slowly, I start to hum along and soon the words are escaping my lips till I full in depth with the words...

I've been driving around here in this town

Know it like the back of my hand

I've been dreaming of ways, ways to get out

Put myself in a box that I'd never be

Someone I'm proud of you see

Here I am on this bridge facing defeat

I'm just doing the best I can

I'm just living the life I have

I'm confused but I'm fine with that

The beauty will outweigh the pain

From the chill of the autumn wind

And the laugh of your sister's kid

To the first snow when it sets in

The beauty will outweigh the pain

We'll all find a purpose one day

There's so many reasons to stay

No I don't wanna die, just don't wanna live

Why can't I reach out for help

You would do anything to get me through this

I'm so used to alone, don't know what it's like

To let someone into my mind

But I'd do anything just to survive

I'm just doing the best I can

I'm just living the life I have

I'm confused but I'm fine with that

The beauty will outweigh the pain

From the chill of the autumn wind

And the laugh of your sister's kid

To the first snow when it sets in

The beauty will outweigh the pain

We'll all find a purpose one day

There's so many reasons to stay

I'm just doing the best I can

I'm just living the life I have

I'm confused but I'm fine with that

The beauty will outweigh the pain

We'll all find a purpose one day

We all have a reason to stay

I pull the headphones off, tossing them down onto the desk. I rub my face with my hands and shake my head as tears begin to escape. I can't let them. I need to move on and let everything go. But all my head does is bring me back to Ruby's words. The past is coming back up. I stand up abruptly and toss the chair. I begin to knock everything off the desk and toss everything about the room. I keep going as my vision becomes blurry. My legs run to the bed, tearing off the blankets and the pillows before flipping up the mattress even if it was heavy. I did it and then I stopped. I stopped and looked around the room seeing nothing but a disaster. It resembled my mind completely.

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