Chapter 10

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"Yeah go on Ruby. I got Beca," I heard Emily's voice speak. My eyes flutter open slowly, feeling hands on my shoulders, shaking lightly. I open my eyes fully to lock eyes with Emily's. "Hey." I give her a small smile before sitting up and running my hand through my hair. I take a moment, then look around. Ruby nowhere in sight as I sit up on the couch. "She's upstairs."

"Oh," I say, closing my eyes a second before reopening them. "How was it?"

"It was fun," Emily told me before adding. "She... We had a few hiccups-"

"Hiccups? What do you mean...mean by hiccups?" I ask, cutting the girl off. Emily looks down at the ground, her fingers messing with one another as I adjust myself in my seat once more, not tearing my eyes away from the girl.

"Bec, I know you and Chloe have your differences, but what you two have done for the past 7 years and that year before..With the yelling matches. It's hurt Ruby. It's still hurting her," Emily pauses, lifting up her head. Our eyes meet and she bites her bottom lip looking towards the stairs. "You have to tell her. Both of you have to tell her..." Without another word, I press my hands down onto the couch, helping myself up. Slowly I make my way to the stairs and carefully step by step I walk up till I reach Ruby's door. I stand outside of it, pulling out my phone, taking a deep breath. 

	I shut my phone off, sliding it into my back pocket before knocking on Ruby's door, poking my head in

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I shut my phone off, sliding it into my back pocket before knocking on Ruby's door, poking my head in. Inside I see Ruby at her desk, messing around on her laptop. Gently, I open up the door, walking in. I make my way over to her and gently place my hand on her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze. She jumps, her head turning. The bruises I had seen previously sit, still, on her face. I reach my hand up and cup her cheek. My thumb rubs back and forth till Ruby reaches up, grabbing my wrist, pulling my hand away.

"I'm fine, Beca," Ruby whispered, standing up and walking over to her bed, climbing in and laying down. I nod my head, taking a seat on the chair after pulling it over to her bed. We sit in silence for a bit before finally I speak up,

"Ruby, I know these past 7 or so years have been hard and weird and not fair to you, but know that I'm still your mom. I still care about you and whatever's going on at school or up inside that head, you can tell me. You can always tell me," I said, messing with my fingers, staring at Ruby's blue eyes.

"I know..." Her voice trails off, as her eyes tear away from me. I glance down at my hands, seeing the skin turning red. I locked my fingers together and sat them in my lap. I look back up to see Ruby sitting on the edge of the bed now, looking directly at me. "I'm okay though. I'm really okay."


"Seriously Beca. It was a misunderstanding and I got off with a warning. It's fine," Ruby cuts me off, standing up. "Is it okay if I work on some homework?" I stand nodding my head.

"Ruby, if things get out of control, please come to me or Chloe," I say before exiting the room. I feel my phone vibrate as I close the door behind me. I reach into my back pocket and see a text from Chloe.

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