Chapter 11

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We were in the middle watching the cinema, I find it boring while Aya keeps talking about what she sees. She find it more interesting. That's how she appreciates things.

I placed my hand in my chin looking straight to the monitor screen. Even if I tried to focus on what I am watching, I still don't want it how much I force my self. Its just that, I preferred horror and tragic. This movie isn't romance nor action. It is a movie where I find it dramatic.

It is a story about a man that is totally addict with his mobile game. He didn't even eat and even spend his day playing with his unknown game. Literally the man got sick because of no time for eating and sooner collapsed. That's how sad the movie is. Only for the people who ate addict of mobile games will relate but for a girl like me, reads book? What would I react then? Well I can't say that the movie is not good. All I can just say is its so dramatic, and one thing I hate the most is a dramatic movie.

"It was a sad story"
Aya acted as if she was crying about the movie. Unlike me, she preferred dramatic movie like this.

"Stop it Aya its a Boring shit!"
Walking in the hallway with Aya in my arm clutches. It doesn't mean I said boring—it is not good. I just said that to Aya would stop crying without tears dropping out.

The ending was sucks! The man died like shit...gosh! But what can I say. I am not the director at all. The movie was based on the true story. So I probably says that other people died because of their unlimited time of their hubbies, just like me. I can't just stop reading my book. Maybe its because, people find it interesting to the hubbies which they like. Would I be experience that? To died in my situation with books beside me? Oh no! Its not gonna happen Liozza.

"Hey! You're still not done yet?"
In the middle of my dead thought, Ash ask beside me while looking straight at me reading my book.

I answered him without even glancing at him. I hate when someone is asking me while I'm reading. It sounds like, I am not in a right place to read.

"You're going to the library Liozza right?"
Aya asked me while walking but now I stopped, just to face her.
She's now looks like, nothing happens at all. Its just she is over acting at first but now, she's okay than all right.

"Yeah—later on.."
I answer then look at my book again.

"I can't come with you... Niño calls me on his office"
I can feel the sadness on his voice.
I know how busy they are so its not a problem at all.

I said while showing her that its okay. Smiling.

"Okay...take care zza"
"Im really sorry, I didn't kn—."
She said still with her sad face. I stop her from her explanation.

"No its really okay Aya, I swear..."
I face her then she kisses my forehead then started walking away. I watch her making her steps out of my sight.

"Im going..." I said.
Without glancing to Ash,
I walk towards the parking lot.

"Sure you are..."
He said while smiling.

What's on him?

I press the car keys that left a beep sound and I opens the door.

While sitting on the driver seat instead of starting the engine, I continued reading my book for a while.

Last chapter.....

"Aren't you going to start the engine?"
I move a bit  from my seat as I hear him ask me in chorus, he ask of nowhere.

I suddenly pressed the steering wheel that makes a distracting beep. I was so freaking startled.

Why am I always like that?

"Shit Ash! Shit you...."
I continue, cursing holding my forehead  because of disappointment.

"Why your always startled Liozza?"
He said while a bit smiling.

"Shut up."
I rolled my eyes on him.

"Oh come on!"
"Let me in...."
He said, while leaning on my cars door. Facing me.

I raised him an eyebrow. Trying to registered what he just says.

"Let me in..."
He repeated.

"And why would I?"
I raise my voice on him, staring him as if I am not interested.

"You're going to the library right?"

"Yeah— and so?"
I ask, raising my left eyebrow.

"Take me with you— I left my car there"
He is referring at the library.

I opened the door beside the driver seat. Letting him in.
And starts the engine.

I maneuvered the car into its normal speed. While my headphones on.

I directly open the door when finally we arrive at the library.


I said, after he greeted me with excitement.

"Who's with you?"
He ask while looking at my back.

I ask back, pretending that I don't know.

"Oh—the lost and
hi there dude!"
He walk towards Ash,  I look at the both of them while a bit talking to each other.

"You know him right?"
I ask Lib.

"Me? Of course I am. Why would I not?"
I rolled my eyes to him and  I walk directly to book shelves. I already knew that Ash is the owner, and I know that Lib knows it too. Its just I want a confirmation. That's it.

I was looking for the book II of the book I had.




"You're looking for this?"
He raised the book that he's holding.

"Oh finally!" I walk towards him.
As he give to me the book thats in his hand and walked towards the table without leaving him a word.

I was reading the Summary and it is really the Book II.

Putting my headphones on to its minimum volume and starts to read the book.

"You really do love books..."
He said, while sitting in front of me.

I nodded.
I answered him while my attention is still on the book.

"I really love books too."
He said, no wonder he owns the library.

I nodded again as my reply.

"Aren't you going to ask why I knew that you were looking for that book?"
He tries to catch my attention.

"No need"
I said without interest.

"Actually when I noticed you left that book, I was about to run into you but you were gone were on a rush, so Instead of getting inside the library...I bring it instead...

"So what's the connection?"
I answered, still my attention is on the book.
"I red the book and returned it over to Lib..." he added.

"So you're about to read it also?"
This time I look at him while pointing the book.

"No need if you're going to tell me what happened to that"
He said while smiling. And If he thinks he looks cute. He is totally not.

"Sure...gotta go freak!"
I stoop up and raise my right hand on him. Leaving him on his place. Sitting.

I smiled to Lib first raising the book then go to my car and starts the engine..

To be continued

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