Matilda and Niall

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Hey Matilda,

Sorry it's really short and not that good. I don't know why, I guess I just wasn't able to write you a really good one.



“Mati? Where are you?” Niall calls, stepping into my house. My whole family is out and I told him he could come in without knocking, so here he is.

“Upstairs!” I call down. I’m in the middle of some pretty serious math homework. It’s tricky, and I’m not very good at math. Niall can help me. 

I hear his feet coming upstairs. I turn my desk chair to face him as he comes into my room. He plops down on my bed and grins at me. 


“Hi.” I grin back, laughing. 

“So.” He says, laughing.

I laugh again. “So. Help me with math?”

He nods, and joins me at my desk. In 3 seconds, he’s figured out what I did wrong and re-explaining how to do it properly. By the end of his  ‘lesson’, I’ve got it.

“Hey, if the whole ‘pop star’ thing doesn’t work out, you could be a math teacher!” I joke.

He laughs, “I think the pop star thing is working out ok. My manager wants us to do more.”

“More?” I ask, my smile falling off my face. More = more time in the studio = less time with me. Not that I don’t want Niall to work with his band, it’s just more fun when he’s here. 

He fiddles with his fingers, then blurts out, “I’mgoingontourinaweek andwouldyouliketocom?”

It takes me a second to decode that to “I’m going on tour in a week and would you like to come?”

I grin, “Yes! Where are you going? I have to ask my parents.”

“Ok, good. We’re going to Paris.”

“Paris?” I squeal excitedly. 

He grins, nodding. 

I jump into his arms and he kisses me. 

“I love you Niall.” I say happily.

“I love you too Matilda.” He says. 

The End <3

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