I'm Glad It's Over

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Lance was staring blankly at a wall as the police dragged out Romelle's body. 

He never thought she would... try to do that.

Shay was just as rattled up about it as Lance.

But at least she had someone there to comfort her. 

Lance knew his name was Hunk. He worked alongside Keith. 

And here he was. Hugging her as if his life depended on it. And Shay was hugging him back. 

It seemed word traveled fast because seconds later Keith was there. 

Lance slowly looked up at him. Keith was sweating hard. It looked as if he ran here all the way from the edge of the city. 

Knowing Keith, he probably did. 

"Are you okay?".

"What happened?".

"Who died?".

And more and more questions came after that. But Lance didn't care. 

All he wanted was to be held. 

And so he gently opened his arms and grabbed onto Keith. 

He felt the other man go stiff in his grasp, but soon the hug was returned. 

Allura watched as they hugged from afar. 

A soft pang in her heart rung in her chest. 

But at least she knew that it was all over. 

She knew as she watched Romelle's lifeless corpse be dragged off. 

And Allura felt no pang of sympathy for her. 

Nothing at all. 

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