The End Of Someone

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Lance and Keith seemed inseparable in the weeks that passed by. 

Hunk noticed a change in his partner. How there was a skip in his step every time they neared the house. 

Shiro noticed it too, even though he spent such little time with his brother. 

Lance was the same way. 

Allura didn't even have to force him to do his work. And everyone enjoyed his helpful advice at the factory. Advice he never shared before.

And because of all this, Allura decided that he deserved a little treat. 

Which was perfect since Lance's birthday was coming up. 

Lance woke up to the sound of birds chirping. What a magical way to start his birthday off.

Down in the kitchen, a storm was brewing. Shay was stirring the batter for the cake. Romelle was washing all the berries they had ordered. And a full chicken was cooking in the stove. 

Everything smelled great. Shay said it was because of her secret ingredient. Little did Shay know that Romelle had her own secret ingredient as well. 

Allura watched with a smile on her face as Lance fleeted around the manor. His smile was wider. He already knew what was brewing in the kitchen and because of that fact, Lance was ecstatic at the prospect of food. 

"So, what are you most excited about today Lance?", Allura asked. 

Lance pretended to think hard. But he already knew what he was excited for. 

"Well, I'm excited about the presents and the food!", Lance exclaimed. 

Allura rolled her eyes. 

Even though Lance was a proclaimed genius he had a one-track mind. 

And that mind usually stored vivid images of food and gifts. 

"I'm glad you're excited Lance. It would have been terrible if you weren't", Allura pointed out. 

Lance nodded. 

"Yeah, it would have been terrible".

This was terrible. Romelle knew it was terrible as she poured the vial into the cake batter. Her hands were clammy as the liquid flowed into the beautiful whiteness below her. 

When it was all gone she knew there was no going back. 

A small smile fell onto her face. 

There was no turning back now. 

As the stars started to peek out from the murky sky above, Lance was seated at his table. 

A smile on his face as Allura, Shay, and Romelle brought out all the food. 

Lance watched as it all was set gently on the table. 

He wondered if Keith would have enjoyed all this food. Lance was sure that he would.

Allura pulled a lighter out from her pocket and flicked it to life. As the candles caught the flames that licked there faces Allura turned her attention back to Lance. 

"I know this isn't much, but me and Keith", Lance felt his face flush at the mere mention of his name, "got you this. I hope you like it".

Lance smiled gratefully as he took the gift from Allura's hand. He said a small thanks and opened the box. 

His eyes widened in surprise as a small handkerchief all but fell from it. 

"Keith said you really enjoyed whales so we went out and found a woman named Katie. She worked a miracle on that cloth", Allura explained as she watched Lance marvel at the fine stitching. 

The whale looked as if it was surfing on the wave. It's tail standing strong. It's eyes looking kind if that was even possible. 

"Thank you", Lance said once more. 

"I also got something for you too Mister Mcclain!", Shay exclaimed. 

Lance watched as she dug through her dress pockets. And when she finally came across the object she was looking for she let out a small sound of accomplishment. 

"Here! Me and Hunk both got it for ya. Hopefully, you like it", Shay chuckled out. 

Lance smiled wide as she handed him a small booklet. 

On the cover, it read, "Alice in Wonderland".

Lance let out an excited gasp when he started to flip through the pages. 

"Thank you so much Shay!", he exclaimed. 

Shay let out a bashful laugh. 

Romelle watched with a stiff smile on her face. 

Take a bite. Take a bite. Take a bite. 

"Now since the presents have been dealt out, let's eat!", Allura said. Shay let out a cheer and Romelle joined along. 

She knew she wasn't going to eat anything served tonight. 

But it seemed like luck was not on her side. 

"Romelle, I would like for you to have the first bite", Allura suddenly proclaimed as she took a swig of champagne from her cup. 

Romelle's face turned a deathly pale. 

"P-Pardon?", Romelle stuttered out. 

Allura smiled at her. 

"You worked so hard to create it. It would only make sense if you had a bite first".

Romelle let out a laugh and snapped back with, "But it is Mister Mcclain's birthday. Surely he should have the first bite!".

"But you worked so hard on it! And I don't mind at all Romelle", Lance interjected. 

Romelle wished he would just keep his damn mouth shut. 

She turned to look at Shay, who was already serving herself some chicken on a plate. 

Romelle looked back at Lance and Allura. Both were smiling innocently at her. 

So, with this turn of events, Romelle awkwardly got a plate for herself and cut into the cake. 

Her stomach turned as she got a fork. 

And she almost fainted when she shoved the smallest bit of cake into her mouth. 

But when nothing happened a smile graced her face. 

"This is good everyone! Come on and get-", Romelle's words were cut off when a small trickle of blood leaked from her mouth.

She looked up at Lance who was staring at her with wide eyes. 

Allura had a blank expression on her face as she watched the scene before her play out. 

Shay had stopped mid-chew.

And just like that Romelle realized that she should have never done this. 

Because when she decided to feed into her greed and jealousy she ended up doing the thing she never wanted to do. 

She created the end. 

The end of herself. 

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