Rags and Riches Finally Meet

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Lance was just reading a book. Just to get his mind off of all the problems he was now going to have to face. 

But then a random chimney sweep decided to fall through his chimney. 

Lance let out a surprised yelp when the body hit the floor. 

At first, Lance thought he had a dead body in his room. 

But when that dead body started to breathe he knew that he was wrong. 

After all that, from pulling the not dead person onto his bed and getting him water, Lance stood awkwardly at his side. 

Lance watched as he gulped down the glass. Black smudged fingers showing on the glass. 

"Are you okay?", Lance asked. 

The stranger rolled his eyes. 

"You've asked me that at least five times, and what do I say every time?".

"You're fine", Lance grumbled out in defeat. 

The stranger nodded, but Lance could see the small form of a smirk on his lips. 

"Who are you?", Lance asked suddenly. 

"Keith Kogane", the boy, who is now known as Keith, responded. 

Lance nodded, "Well I'm Lance Mcclain".

Keith almost choked on his spit at the name. 

"You're a Mcclain?", Keith almost yelled. Lance stared at him with wide eyes. 

"Y-Yeah", Lance stuttered out. Was that bad? If so, what can he do? That's his last name. 

"This is your mansion then?", Keith asked. Lance nodded again. 

Keith stared at him with wide eyes. 

Lance Mcclain, the owner of this mansion, is letting him lay in his bed. 

Keith never felt so privileged in his life. 

"That's so cool", Keith gushed suddenly. When those words left his mouth his face flushed. 

Luckily the scum of the chimney covered his face well enough. Lance let a smile fall on his face. 

"Thanks", he responded. 

Keith just nodded at him and started gulping down some more water. His throat was parched and dry. And it wasn't because of what he just said. 

No, definitely not. 

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