Allura The Stray

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Allura wandered around the manor with a longing look.

"What is she doing?", Shay asked when Allura walked past the laundry room for the fifth time that day.

"I don't know. Maybe she's waiting for Mister Mcclain to come home", Romelle responded.

Shay looked back at Allura. Her face seemed vacant as she shuffled on to the stairs. 

"Maybe she is".

Allura shuffled up the stairs, her hands laying silently and still at her sides. 

She didn't know why she was walking around the house. Maybe because she was bored. Maybe because she was paranoid. 

Either way, she was walking, and her mind was wandering around as well. 

Wandering back to her when she was dumb. When she believed that everyone was good at heart. That's what lead her to be a stray. 

So yes, Allura was a stray.

Allura the Stray. 

Sad title for someone that could literally kill you with her barehands. 

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