Happy Hunk and Pissed Off Keith

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Hunk took a large bite of his sandwich. The pleasant smile on his face was so much more appealing to look at then Keith's scowl. 

"Can't you just look a little happy? Zarkon was able to raise our pay!", Hunk exclaimed. 

Keith rolled his eyes. "Yeah he did, but that means we have to clean even more houses. And the worst part about it is that it's the rich peoples land", Keith muttered. 

Hunk frowned as he took another bite of his sandwich. 

"So? That means they might pay us more", Hunk responded. Hunk was always an optimistic person. Made Keith pity him. 

He's to nice for this world. That translates to he's easy to use. 

"Alright let's go! I need to get some more money anyways, rents not going to pay itself", Hunk chirped as he lifted himself up from the ground. 

Keith followed suit. 

"Where are we going now? Larson Gardens? Liverpool Road?", Keith questioned. Hunk flashed him a smile. 

"Since we got higher pay, Zarkon decided to send us straight to the rich lands after we finished our first sweeping", Hunk explained. 

Keith deflated. Why did they have to go today? He didn't want to deal with rich people. 

He never liked their stares. Stares of pity or disgust. Hunk never noticed them. That just made Keith angrier. 

So they continued on towards the rich part of the city. The slums and sewerage in the streets soon turned to smooth sidewalks and perfectly structured buildings. 

Keith and Hunk stood out like sore thumbs. 

Keith was still covered in the chimneys smog and Hunk was a sweating mess from having to yank Keith out of them. 

Ladies with white pearl necklaces shifted away from them on the streets. Gentlemen with tailored suits on whispered snarky remarks to each other. 

The only ones who didn't look at them strangely were the children and the dogs. 

Made Keith hope they stay that way forever. 

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