Lance Doesn't Like Business

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Lance new that the business that his father left behind was going to be tough to manage. 

But he didn't think it would be this hard. 

Every day something new would happen. 

Adam would have accidentally mixed the wrong formula. Shipping is slow. And, worst of all, the hours. 

Lance never felt more tired then he did now as he walked back home. He did schedule a carriage to drive him back, but the wheel broke down. 

So now he was destined to walk home. 

As he walked, his feet sunk into the soles of his shoes. Lance was already done with everything. And worst of all tomorrow the chimney sweeps were supposed to stop by. 

Lance continued walking down the street, a small briefcase strapped under his arms. 

Inside was the new plans for new products and much more. 

But Lance didn't truly care for them. But the earnings do pay his workers living expenses so it was somewhat worth it. 

When the mansion came into view Lance made a full-on run for it. His feet hurt like hell, his breathing was off, and the briefcase almost fell to the ground, but he was going home. 

Even though it didn't feel like it. 

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