The Three Points

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Romelle held onto the bottle for three days. Each day wondering if she should use it. 

And in those three days, she tallied up three points. 

Three points that pointed to her using the solution. 

On the first day, Allura shoved her. Why? Romelle doesn't know. But she gripped the vial tightly. 

On the second day, Shay abandoned her with all the work. All she said before parting was, "I'm going out Romelle!".

And then she didn't come back until the next morning.

Romelle suspected that she was hanging out with that trash of a chimney sweeper. It was obvious since the charcoal was plain to see. It was all but smudged on her dress. 

And on the third day, Romelle learned her place. 

It all happened so quickly. Lance invited that chimney sweep, Keith was it? To a drink. A drink! Why would the master want to spend time with someone who is probably infested with germs? 

Made Romelle start to wonder if Lance would want to have a drink with her. 

She was sure he wouldn't.

Since when she watched how he looked at that chimney sweep. That's how she used to look at someone, how someone used to look at her, but that was a long time ago. 

Maybe that is what led her to use the solution. 

Because she knew that she couldn't be looked at like that by anyone ever again. 

And it hurt.  

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