Part 7 Hellooo, Nurse

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A/n wait so is his name James or Jimmy bc in the beginning of the game his mom called him Jimmy, but then his step dad said James but sternly like he was going to get in trouble which would make sense to use his actual name and not his nickname. Plus nicknames for Jimmy are Jim, but for James it could be Jimmy. And the principal only calls him Hopkins.
A n y w a y . . .


I wake up to the warm sunshine on my face and an empty bed. Jimmy left. I sit up quickly and look around the messy room to see some post-it-notes on the counter.

'Went to go do some things, I'll be back - James'

'James'? Wait is his real name James? I scrunch my face up and put my chin between my index finger and thumb, while I ponder what Jimmy is really doing.

The growling of my stomach yanks me out of my thoughts. I should make some food, but I doubt this place actually has editable food.

I looked around in disgust, at the place I slept in. I think I'll just go get some food for me and this new guy, James, to eat.

I picked up some post-it-nots and wrote:
'I went to go get food and we have to talk about this new guy 'James' I never heard of him'

I smiled to myself thinking of Jimmy's reaction to reading my note. I set the post-it down in the counter, right next to his, and began to leave.

——-Time skip——-

When I got to the store I realized how much money I don't have. I check my pockets to be sure I at least have like $3 for food. I felt around desperately and found a 5 dollar bill and my 3 dollars I knew I had.

I walked around in the store with a little more confidence knowing I had money. Still though, I wanted to save money, so I searched up and down the shelves for some ramen noodles,which should be pretty cheep. '.88 cents a pack' bingo I congratulated myself for finding them so quick. I grabbed 2 and seeked out the register to buy my food.

On my way to the register I seen a first aid kit. It was a little bit smaller than a lunch bag. I picked it up and, looked on the back of it to see what's inside.

First aid kit. Containing:
15 small bandaids
• 30 regular bandaids
• 15 large
• tweezers (2)
•elastic bandage roll
•Disposable gloves
•Cotton balls
•alcohol wipes

Oh this is nice, great for if Jimmy does something stupid and hurts himself. I shook my head to myself at the thought of Jimmy doing something stupid, like starting a fight with Russell.

I turn it around to see the price. It's $4.99. Oof, that's a punch to my pockets. I should have enough though, I don't think this store taxes.

I finally actually make my way to the register. There wasn't a line so I just plopped all my stuff on the counter lazily, and shoved my hands in my pockets, feeling for my money again.

The person behind the register finally put the news paper down and stood up. The chair creeped desperately as they stood. They scanned my items and bagged my things in a medium paste.

"Is that all hun?" They asked looking tired as always.

"Yep" I say a little joyfully to bring some emotions into their life.

"That'll be, $6.75 hun" I let out a sign of relief, I have enough money.

I take the money out of my pocket and hand it to them. The register makes that good old 'cha ching' sound, and they give me 25 cents.

I picked up the bag, left the store and got on my bike. I began to head back to the beach house.

——-At The Beach House——-

I opened the door to see Jimmy sitting on a stool, his back facing me. I smiled and turned to close the door.

"So are you ready to talk about James yet?" I said turning back a round to see a bloody and bruised face.

"JIMMY!" I yelled. He just looked at me as I ran up to get a closer look at his face. I hovered my fingers over every part of his face that looked painful, studying his face to look at how hurt he was. I was afraid to touch and hurt him.

"Jimmy..." my surprised face softened to a concerned one. I took a step back to look at Jimmy's actual expression and he looked... angry and sad.

Asking a step back and looking at his bruises, he had one on his left cheek bone and a smaller one on his lip where it was busted and bleeding. His nose was bleeding and so was the cut above his eye, which looks like it might be infected.

I sat down on the stool next to him and put my bag on the counter. I grabbed the first aide kit, and swiftly pulled out some gloves.

I grabbed the alcohol wipes and wiped the bloody parts of his face. He flinched at the burning sensation of the wipes. Then I snatched some cotton balls to make sure the extra blood I didn't get with the wipes.

I grabbed some bandaids to put one on his face and that's when he finally spoke.

"No" he said in a monotone voice and gently placed his hand over mine holding the bandaid. He was about to get up but I stopped him.

"Jimmy," I stood up, put both hands on his shoulders and pushed him back down. He avoided eye contact with me.

"Look at me," he turned his head the other direction.

"LOOK, AT ME." I snapped, shaking his shoulders a little bit to really snap him out of it. He finally looked at me, I could see the anger melting off his face, revealing a more defeated look.

"At least let me put a bandaid above your eye, it looks really bad" I spoke lightly as if my words can break him. He never gave me any sign of yes, but also no sign of no, so I continued anyway.

I sat back down and started working on opening the bandaid pack. I know he was okay with it because he didn't move when I had it ready.

Once I put the bandaid on him, he got up and slowly walked towards the bed. I took my gloves off and placed them on the counter. I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders, turning him around forcibly.

He looked at me with his head hung low. And I looked at him, and hugged him. I bear hugged him with all my heart.

"If you don't want to talk about it right now I understand. But I'm always here for you, you can talk to me if you want or need to, ok?" I felt his arms slowly wrap around me and hug me, tightly.

We stood there for a while just hugging.

We slowly separated from each other. I looked at him to see if he was ok now. When I did his face looked normal, even a little happier than normal. His eyes were a bit red, but not enough to show signs of crying. And I didn't feel any tears.

"Better?" I questioned him

"Better" he reassured me with a nod.

We both went into the bed and cuddled. I laid down on my back with Jimmy's head on me. I decided to play with his hair until I and he fall asleep.

I kinda think his name is James, idk. Anyway stay safe, bye bye.
💨 ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ - - - - -> 🥞

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