Part 6- Panty Raid

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——-(Y/n) POV——-

"Wow its been a long day" I quietly state to myself opening the door to my bedroom. It's like 9:40 something and I'm exhausted and ready to finally get some sleep.

I decided to take a shower tomorrow morning because right now I can barely move. I changed my clothes and was about to get into my bed when I heard something hitting my window. I thought it was a stupid branch but the 'thud' sound was too loud and constant for it to be a branch.

I opened the window ready to find some idiot who had the wrong window but I was wrong. I found a cute freckled idiot who had the right window, it was Jimmy, I smiled on sight.

"W-wha JIM-!!" I was so startled I nearly yelled Jimmy's name.

"SSHHHH! You wanna get me caught (Y/n)?" He snapped at me before I could finish saying his name.

"I need your help with something, meet me up in the attic and we'll talk there" He ordered me as if I had already agreed to help him, lucky for him I actually care.

One my way to the attic I tried to think of a reason as to why he was actually here and what he would need. The only thing I could think about was that he liked Pinky, and wanted to confess to her or something, maybe he likes Mandy.

I stopped in my tracks 2 rooms from the attic. How could I ever think he'd actually like me, even the thought sounds stupid now. Should I even still help him? I mean it's not his fault that he actually likes attractive, rich girls.

I pushed my back against the wall and slid down. My bottom eyelids burn as my lip shivers. My throat swells up on the thought of Jimmy now. I quickly wipe my eyes and pull myself together. If I can't be a good girlfriend then I'll be the best BestFriend I can be, I guess.

I stand up, take a final breath to try and completely bring myself together. I tried to walk in to the dark attic with the confidence I usually have, I didn't want to show any weaknesses. I failed.

"Damn (Y/n), what took y-," Jimmy turned to look at me as he attempted to finished his sentence but once he seen my face he stopped.

"What's wrong?" He interrogated me with a strong voice, mixed with concern.

"N-no," my throat was still a little swollen from almost crying, making me trip on my words,"It's nothing, don't worry bout it. So wh-" I was cut off. Jimmy stepped closer, showing how soft his expression was in this dark attic.

"If anyone ever hurts you, just tell me, I'll take care of them. You don't have to tell me now but I want to be able to help you, but you have to let me," he took a long sigh then looked down, he probably felt like what he just said was dumb, I should reassure him.

"Thanks," his head shot up almost instantly.

"I just, don't really want to talk about it now" I lied, this is never going to be brought back up, in hopes of him just forgetting about it.

"Anyway what did you need help with?"
I change the subject, one step closer to making him forget.

"Oh, yeah," he quickly remembered he reasons for being here. I stood there wondering which girl he wanted me to talk to, maybe both.

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