Love language Pt. 4

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"Just hearing your words makes me feel like I can tear down a mountain..."

Words Of Affirmation

Your encouraging words does a number of things to this boy. He doesn't know what it is, if its the way you phrase your words, if its your soothing voice, or is it the fact that he's simply head over heals for you. The first time you seen him in a fight you had to admit he was stronger than you thought, later you asked him what he does to work out and jokingly if he was on steroids. He looked at you more confused than angry.
"What I mean is, you're really strong." After that he blushed ever so slightly and proceeded to tell you how he works out and how many pounds he can lift. You remembered this later on while trying to figure out his love language and to your surprise it worked.
"I love you so much" randomly exited your mouth during lunch. You looked over to see a tomato respond "I- I love you too" then continue to eat his sandwich.
Things you say for love: "I love you so much, I really love being around you, I couldn't ask for anything better right now, you make me feel so happy"
Things you say for encouragement: "I'm so proud of you, you're a lot stronger than you think, you're so smart how could you think of yourself any less than that?, you've accomplished much bigger problems more times than you think"
Things for self confidence (which he doesn't need often): Jimmy: why are you looking at me like that? You: you're so pretty, I could look at you all day, I think I have a crush on you again...,"
He's always so thankful to have you. Though it maybe hard for him to express it properly at times, he always tries to show that he loves you. To be honest you don't think he knows exactly what he's doing most of the time but you know he's trying his best to make you happy so what else could you ask for?

I think I out did myself on this one y'all. I like this one

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