Part 4-We're Still Friends Right

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——-(Yn) POV——-

I woke up slowly with a dry face from salty tears. I sat up and looked around the brightly light room, I looked out the window and noticed it was dark. I then looked more at a room that's not mine...or clean. I looked around some more to realize, this is a boys room. I must have fell asleep on Jimmy. That sentence sounds so cute, wait did he carry me here? In public? In front of the school? That's sooo embarrassing.

I sat there for a while daydreaming about who saw Jimmy carrying me, and what they'd said about me. Once I snapped out of it, I began to wonder where Jimmy actually was.

I made some large quiet steps towards the door, just for someone to open it right in front of me.

"Oh (Y/n), your awake!" Pete stated loudly. Making me jump out of my clothes.

"Oh," Pete smiled kindly at me scratching the back of his neck, and walking into the room. "I didn't mean to scare you like that"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" I said standing straight, holding my heart.

"Anyway, where's Jimmy??" I asked.

"Oh he went to do a favor for someone" Pete answered closing the door behind him.

"Oh," I said a bit sad. Pete noticed this and could've changed the subject, but instead asked,

"How do you feel about Jimmy?" My eyes instantly looked around the room, everything is suddenly more interesting. My face and body felt a quick wave of heat, and I started to sweat. Out of impulse I hid behind myself, putting one foot lazy behind another, and hugged my arms.

"How do-do you feel about Jimmy?" I stumbled on my own words trying to sound confident.

"Oh, well I think he's a good guy I just wished we'd talk more ya know." Pete confessed, twiddling with his fingers, as if scared I'll disagree or get mad.

"Do you wish that with everybody?" I question him trying to get his mind off the original subject. I slowly became more comfortable in my environment.

"Well I don't know, I only really have 2 friends, which are you, and Jimmy." He began to unravel. Pete began to go in a nervous state. I assume this topic is untouched by anyone. This is my chance to leave. Sorry Pete but I really can't have you remembering your question.

"Dang Pete that's not much, well I don't have much more than you actually. I only have you and Jimmy, here at least. In my old school I had a whole bunch of friends." Pete's eyes light up with excitement so I continue.

"I mean I could do the same here but, I don't know I never really tried it." I say looking up to the out of date, sad ceiling. While pretending to think I glanced at Pete to see eyes as bright a a full moon on a clear night.

"Well I mean- I mean it's worth giving it a shot! You never know what's gonna happen." Pete said. Obviously expressing his want to make more friends.

"Great!" I practically yelled.

"I'll start planning on it!" I lied making my way, quickly to the exit.

"O-oh, alright. Bye!" Pete said biding me farewell. As I slowly close the door.

"Bye bye!" I walked before closing the door, hurriedly making my way to the next exit.

Once I made it there and down the steps I met a very exhausted Jimmy, looking down at the ground as he walked.

CRAP! I mean YES

Mixed emotions flooded my mind. I panicked upon his arrival slowly coming closer.

——-Jimmy's POV——-
(While you were walking)
I can't get her out of my mind, I can't believe I really made her cry. How could I do that? What if she never wants to see or talk to me again, then what am I gonna do? Why did I get some mad at her? I shouldn't have yelled.

While I was lost in thought I bumped in to someone, making me more pissed. I looked at the person to see who I had to flip off.

"Hey! Watc-" I stopped mid sentence surprised at the being in front of me. I quickly apologized.

"O-oh sorry (Y/n), I wasn't paying attention." Once I said that a little bit of blood rushed to my face, causing me to blush slightly.

——-(Y/n) POV——-
(While walking up to Jimmy)
"Uh, hey Jimmy." I gave a shaky voice with no response. I twisted my face with confusion.

"Jimmy" I say with my usual, more confidence, voice. Still no response. At this point he was going walk straight into me, so I sped up my pace and bumped him.

"Hey! Watc-" Jimmy roared, his face was pinched up, I know he was ready to fight. It seemed his face softened like this afternoon once he noticed it was me.

"You ok Jimmy, you seem pretty out of it" I questioned his mental state, genuinely concerned for him.

"Umm, yeah" he answered shortly, avoiding eye contact. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Something's wrong, I can feel it. He might be mad and tired from whatever he was just doing I guess I won't bother him about it now, I'll bring it back up later.

"Well because you seen so tired, I'll see you tomorrow then" I say, waving goodbye to him. He looked, oddly surprised.

"Oh wait, so you mean you want to hang out tomorrow?" Jimmy questioned me with a hopeful face, does he not want to hangout?

"Uhh, yeah if you want to. If you don't, you don't have too, that's cool too." I assured him, trying not to pressure him.

"What- no it's cool, let's hang out. It'll be no fun without me." Jimmy said, giving a small chuckle that let out whatever he was keeping in. He also looked happy and revived with energy, weird. At least he's happy though.

I began walking back to the dorms, waving and saying goodnight before I turned around.


A/n: more coming this weekend or Monday (~˘▾˘)~ bye bye
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