Part 8 Back to school

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—-(Y/n) POV—-

My eyes quickly flutter open to the feeling of hunger, it feels like it's around late morning time. I didn't eat yesterday and all of my money is gon-. Instantly the unpleasant aroma of sweat hits me in the face like a truck.

It was one of the hotter days in the year, but this smell was insufferable. Unable to take the foul smell I looked rapidly for the source. I looked around and noticed 'James' wasn't on me anymore.

I looked down to notice he had his arms linked around my lower left waist, with his legs tangled in mine. Part of his head rested on my stomach, facing my legs and lightly snoring.

Though I didn't mind him sleeping on me and holding me, which you actually enjoyed, he smelled .... bad. And he needed a shower, now.

I looked back down with a slightly sadness but mainly disgusted face. I didn't know the next time we were going to be like this, but he really smells bad.

I look to my side of the bed so I can wiggle off. Once I moved my hips Jimmy's grip tightened, and his snoring halted. I looked down at him to notice a few rogue bandaids scattered around the bed.

Now my face purely showed disgust.

"I'm just going to wake you up this is nasty, and I have to check your cuts anyway." I whispered to him even though he was still sleeping.

I prompted myself up with my left elbow and shook his back gently with my right. Cold sweat covered my palm once I lye it on his back.

I sucked it up and shook him a bit more roughly this time. He groaned a bit but I stayed at my upbeat pace and eventually his head shot up. He looked at my legs for a few seconds then turned his head back to me, eyes barely open.

Jimmy unattached himself from me and went to the edge of the bed staring at nothing particularly, and I joined him.

We sat there in silence and in hunger, neither of us ate yesterday. I studied his face, it looks a lot better. The cut above his eye is fine, his bruised cheek is looking better, and his lip it looked fine... and soft, smooth.

"Did you need something?" Jimmy asked, sleepiness following his voice.

"I was, I was making sure your bruises were okay" I stammered, he caught me off guard, "So anyway we should get back to the school to freshen up and stuff" I suggested. I'm trying to change the subject so he that he won't  think about why I stuttered, it doesn't look like it worked but he played along after a long stare.

"Yea sounds like a good idea" he agreed, standing up and stretching. "We can also do some favors and stuff so that we can get you some money"

"I hav-," Oh wait he's right, I spent it on the mad kit. "Had, I had money...yeah that sounds like a good idea"

He finished stretching his muscles and began to walk towards the door, leaving me on the bed.

"Ready when you are!" He shouted behind himself on his way out.

I quickly got up and grabbed the little bit of thing I brought with me and brought to the beach house. I swiftly walked outside and felt how much cooler it was out here. It was still very hot in general but it was less hot outside than inside.

I look to my side to see Jimmy standing there on the bike ready to go. I put the bag around my wrist and hold on to Jimmy lightly.


I'm sorry that's the end on this one for now I can barely keep my eyes open rn
Stay sane
(☞¬‿¬)☞ 🥞 🥞
(Bro I'm editing this and why was my last user name cheese wrapper like wtf thats hilarious lol I'm so funny anyway stay safe...)

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