Love language Pt.3

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    Jimmy loves getting gifts from you whether its something 'trashy' you made in art class or something foreign and expensive, he'll love it. The fact that you had him in mind while making/buying something for him means a lot to him, especially when you by something and say 'I seen this and I thought of you'. The small things like that make his heart melt. He loves the concept of you thinking of him when he's not around you. Though it might make him come off as greedy or that he is only dating you to get things from you thats not the case at all. He doesn't even care how expensive it is they will always remind him that you love him, its sentimental. Especially once you found out for sure that buying and making things for him makes him feel loved, means a lot more to him, that you go above and beyond on purpose just to make him happy and let him know you love him.
    Of course, you found out his love language because he always bought you whatever the two of you were just talking about. It would be something small, 'Man, these shoes make my feet hurt'. Next thing you know some how he got you new shoes (and he knew your shoe size some how...?).
    Now when you first started doing this it was a little nerve racking, you had no idea what he wanted, his size, his taste in things, where to buy it or what brand. His birthday was coming up and you had to get Jimmy something. Eventually you made him something in art class, you put your heart and soul into it but it still looked horrible. Deciding to give it to him and try to explain that you did you best but the colors weren't working and the brushes had something sticking on them and the girl next to you wouldn't stop talking. Your shamefully high expectations were crushed by common logic that you blissfully didn't add to your fantasy of what this painting was supposed to be. You still brought it to him because you had nothing else to give him on his birthday. Well into the date you didn't know how to break it to him, averting his eyes to lessen the guilt.

"Hey I have to tell you something, sorry it didn't turn out that good, or good at all. I was trying to paint but then-"
"I love it,"
"Wha-" you barely said in disbelief.
"Wow you made this for me? Thank you. Where do you think I should hang it?" Jimmy questioned looking at your painting with glee.
"Hang it?"
"I think I'll put it the light house, ya know so it wont get damaged." He stated waiting for you to agree.
"... uh yea"

A/n heyy 😅 I know I haven't posted in a while but I just moved and now I'm about to go to school so yea sorry. Also I might do a x reader on that anime Jujitsu Kaisen on probably almost all the characters so lmk if yall want that if u dont I'm probably gonna do it anyway, but tell me what else I should write abt.
A  N  Y  W  A  Y . . .
Stay sane, 🥞 🥞 🥞___ 」(。。)L

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