Part 5-The Get Away

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(You and Jimmy are like the same height btw, if you're actually taller just make him taller too)

——-(Y/n) POV——-

I actually went to class again today, nothing special though it was the same class I have with Pete so he won't be alone. Well okay, I was sleep for like 75% of the class, but he still wasn't alone for the beginning and end of class, he had someone to sit next to.

So anyway on my way out of class I bumped into this nerd by accident.

"Oh sorry, my ba-" I began to apologize but then.

"Get out of my way you ugly goblin!" This idiot spat at me, he has no idea what he's getting himself into.

"I swear," he continues as he storms off, "you people have the brain power of a snail" I don't usually get aggressive, but who does he think he's talking to?? So I ask him,

"Who are you talking to?!" My blood was already boiling, and my fist were already clinched. I turned to look at him as he gave a cocky response.

"YOU, idio-" I punched him in the face before he could finish, and kicked him.

"Look Nerd, I am not the one." I grabbed his shirt collar while he was on the floor from the first punch.

"Not here," I punched his nose.

"Not now," I punched the side of his face.

"Nor will I ever be." I punched his nose again. I could tell his nose was for sure bleeding now, he cradled it with his hands and rocked back and forwards.

"(Y/n)! Run!" Pete yelled ate to move. I turned around to see two prefects coming my way.

I ran out the doors of the building to try and wear them out. While running around the school grounds I see Jimmy through an intersection of people, running from prefects as well. He was running from at lest 6 of them. What in the world did he do to get 6 prefects on him.

Jimmy must have also noticed me too because he pointed towards where he wanted me to run. I obeyed and ran towards the right, the exit of the school grounds.

Jimmy punched some kid off their bike, and got on, reaching his hand out to me.

"Come on (Y/n), Hurry!" He yelled at me making me run faster. At this point my legs were burning, but I pushed myself to go faster.

I reached my hand out to his and missed. A prefect grabbed me by my collar before I could make it.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Jimmy yell. The prefect pulled my neck and making me face the ground. I had my hands on his to make him let me go. Then looking at the ground I see a shadow of a bike in the air, which hit the prefects that started to surround me.

Jimmy ran up to the prefect that had me, stepped on his foot making him let go of me, grabbed my hand and ran. He pulled out his skateboard and picked me up bridal style as he got on. We began to ride down the street.

On our way to town my face started to get warm as I realized what position we were in. Jimmy had one hand under my knees as he gripped one of my lower thighs. His other hand was wrapped around the side of my rib cage, his hand gripped right under my breast. And I didn't even realize I had my arms around his neck.

"You wanna go to that burger joint??" Jimmy broke me out of my thoughts making me look at his face. How his little freckles scattered just right. And how he squinted, trying to look around with his face in the wind. How he looked at me because I was staring at him for too long.

I looked down at the ground and then back up at him, he was still staring at me. A blush made its way to his face as he looked forwards again, with a sudden surprised face.


Jimmy swerved out of the way of the car, gripping my body tighter, and pulling me closer to him.

He hit the curb of the sidewalk trying to get out of the vehicles way. We both fell and slid a little. Jimmy's head was on my stomach, as he cradled me trying to break my fall. He was holding my hips with one arm, and my waist with the other. I felt Jimmy let go to get up first, he crawled over to were my head was.

"You ok?" He asked, concerned for my safety. I give him a painful nod. He finally stood up, reaching out a hand to help me. I took it, I felt a painful burning sensation around my elbow.

"Ouch" I hollered. Jimmy softly took my arm and examined it. There was blood dripping down my arm.

"This is, kinda a lot of blood, we should go into a store real quick and get you patched up." He gave me a small, reassuring smile.

"And then we can go to the burger joint?" I questioned still hungry, from not eating breakfast this morning. He chuckled and smiled at my question. He looked so cute when he smiled.

"Yeah we can still go to the burger joint" he answered smilingly.

We walked to a CVS and got me some bandaids then to the burger joint. As we sat down I started the conversation.

"So what did you even do to get 6 prefects on you??" I questioned, interested in what his story would be.

"I should ask you the same thing" he shot back at me.

"Well basically this nerd was trying to bully me, I know they usually try to bully people who aren't in cliques, but I was the wrong one" I said a little proudly. It's been a while since I've actually been in a fight. I know I'm no Jimmy Hopkins, but I'm definitely not someone to be messing with.

"Oh wow, I wish I was there to see that," Jimmy said in awe. "I never took you as the fighting type." He stated.

"I'm not," I answered truthfully, "Just don't mess with me." Our conversation was cut a little short when the waiter came and gave us menus.

We continued talking, laughing, and bonding at the restaurant. Me and Jimmy's friendship became closer and stronger after that.

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