Part 16: (Ending 1) Going for it

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(I'm going to have more than one ending to this story, this has one ending and the beginning of another)

——Jimmy's POV—-

"I'm in love" she stated insecure, like a mouse.

I sat there, my body frozen but my mind was going into chaos. 'Was she talking about me? Who was she in love with? Why did it make her like this? Is it me? It couldn't be Pete, right? Who could it be? Was she messing with me? Is it me? WAIT WHAT? SHES IN LOVE! With who? Was she actually gay? Does she like girls? I have no chance with her do I?

"....ou..."she muttered something I didn't catch. But it sounds like 'You'.

"..What?" I asked I just wanted to make sure I heard correctly, I'm completely teasing her of course. All that work I did looking for her, why not have a little fun. I stood up and looked at her. She curled up to try and hide herself.

"(Y/n), wha'd you say" I shook her a little bit, as if I'd be more likely to get answers.

———(Y/n) POV———

"..You.." why is he being so annoying he heard me. Do I have to spell it out for him?

"Me? What about me?" OH COME ON. I looked at him, and he was smiling at me.

"Say it (Y/n)"

"Nooo, you are so annoyinnng" I tried to stay mad at him but I felt a smile twitching at my lips.

"All you have to say is 'I love you' its not that hard" he looked at me eagerly for an answer.

" 'iT's NoT tHaT hArD' " I mocked him and copied his stupid scrunched up face. Disappointed, he tried to push me off the bed, but I latched onto his arm. He pulled me up and off the bed, just to hug me.

"I love you" I admitted. My face is getting hotter my nerves are making my arms shake, I don't know why but I'm scared.

"Yeah well, I love you too" he said. Giving me a tight squeeze in the hug, then letting go to look at me. I looked at him back a little nervous. He leaned in a bit and I tensed up a little and closed my eyes, just for him to pinch my cheeks.

"Oh did you thing I was going to kiss you?" He teased, smiling at me while he enjoyed my annoyed face.

"You wanna go out tomorrow? Meet up at the burger joint, walk around....I don't know, whatever you want to do" He asked still smiling.

"Yea, sounds like a date" I uncontrollably smiled back at him. He began slowly walking backwards while still holding my cheeks. Slowly letting them go as he got further,

"I'll pick you up" he said pointing at me, I just nodded in response. Once he got to the door he turned to open it, stoped, turned back towards me to wink at me, turned back and left.

(I will do scenarios and stuff once I finish the other ending)

————— (Ending 2) Avoided —————

——Jimmy's POV——

"I'm in love" she stated like an insecure mouse.

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