⁰⁵𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐧

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My smile never left my face the next Monday. "Wow Ari, I haven't seen you smile this much since 2nd grade, when you got that doll you wanted." Courtney chuckles. Courtney and I finally made up after a week of hating each other.

We were walking in the hallway, along with Elizabeth—and talking about life. Specifically my life. "Yeah, Y/n talked to me." Courtney stopped in her tracks and put both of her hands on my shoulders—looking me in the eye. "Yes-"

"She fucking talked to you?! Silent girl talked to you?!" Courtney said. I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing to much. "Yeah. She did. Isn't that crazy.." I say, slowly drifting off.

Y/n's smile is as bright as the sun—her eyes are like stars. Her skin was smooth—but her voice...her voice was soft and gentle—and it had a small accent, like her father. I can finally dream or think of her, because now I know how she sounds.

"Hello? Earth to Grande..." Courtney waved her hand repeatedly in front of my face to catch my attention. When she finally had it, she took this time to repeat what she was saying, "what did she say?" Courtney asked; annoyance heard in her voice.

"She said stop." Elizabeth and Courtney looked at me with a eyebrow raised, "let me explain what she meant." I giggled, "I wanted her to talk so badly that I tickled her and she said stop." Courtney started to laugh. While Courtney laughed, me and Elizabeth started walking and talking.

"What was her voice like?" She asked. I smile widely, "it was soft, sweet, caring. She has a small accent too. I think it's adorable." Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "I'm glad she makes you happy, Ari." Elizabeth pauses and looks through the cafeteria doors, "isn't that Camila and Shawn with your girlfriend?"

I look where Elizabeth was pointing and saw Camila and Shawn talking to Y/n. I raise an eyebrow. I wonder what they were talking about. I really shouldn't care—but she's my soon-to-be wife and I need to keep a keen eye out on her.

Like I said, she's very clumsy, and her clumsiness can get her somewhere that I don't want her to be.

"I'll be back." I say, giving my bag to Elizabeth. I walk towards the couple and Y/n. As I got closer I could hear what they were saying:

"Cmon, Y/n...come to the party. If you feel uncomfortable—you can leave." Camila said, putting a strand of hair behind Y/n's ear. I arch my eyebrows in slight anger and walk faster towards them. "I'm sorry...but she already has plans. With me. We're having a sleepover with Elizabeth and Courtney." I say.

"Really?" Camila got off the table and walked towards me, arms crossed. "Yeah. We're going to have a party of our own. That doesn't include Vodka and tabacco." I say. "Whatever you say Grande."

Camila waves her hand as a signal for Shawn to follow her, but before she leaves she whispers something in Y/n's ear. It was obvious that Y/n wasn't comfortable with it. As soon as they left, I quickly walk over to Y/n and wrap her in my embrace.

"Everything okay? What did they say to you? What did Camila say? What party are they talking about?" I start rambling and Y/n quickly cuts me off with a quick kiss which slightly shocks me. I giggle like a doofus.

"Don't worry about it." She says and snuggles into my chest. I smile as Courtney and Elizabeth come over to the table and sit. "What's up, Y/n. I'm Courtney, and this is Elizabeth. Nice to meet you." Courtney greets. "N-nice to meet you too."

"You're right Ari, she does have a small accent—I like it." Elizabeth says. Y/n smiles and continues to snuggle into my chest. My face heats up.

I don't want to be that jealous wife, but I am quite jealous with how much Y/n and Camila were talking. They seemed really close, and I'm not risking it.

What did Camila say?

SILENCE || A. Grande (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now