Chapter 19

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It had been nearly a week when Dr. Lopez decided it was time to remove Mitch from the ventilator. The younger man had made vast improvements. Even through the doctor would rather err on the side of caution, and leave the ventilator in place awhile longer, Mitch's fighting spirit convinced to remove it. They had also come to a compromise. He would remove the ventilator only if Mitch would remain calm, not get excited and be on oxygen until his lung healed.

Mitch quickly agreed by nodding his head and giving the thumbs up sign.

"Ok Mitch, on the count of three I want you to blow as hard as you can. It may cause you some pain, but I'll try and be quick. Your throat will be sore so don't try and speak. I'll have the nurse get you some ice chips. Are you ready?" Dr. Lopez asked.

Mitch looked at Scott, who was gripping Mitch's hand, and gave a thumbs up with his other hand.

"Alright, 1 2 3 blow!"

Mitch coughed and sputtered as the tube was slid out of his throat. Once it was out he tried to take a breath and found it very difficult.

"Slow and easy, Mitch. Just relax." Dr. Lopez ordered as he placed an oxygen mask on the younger man.

"Slow deep breaths. You may feel some burning in your chest and that's normal."

The doctor put a stethoscope to Mitch's chest and listened for a few minutes before stepping back and smiling.

"Everything sounds as good as it can be. I want you to leave the mask on for a few hours then I'll have the nurse switch you to the nasal canula. It will be more comfortable. Now, if you have difficulty breathing alert the nurse immediately."

Mitch nodded and focused on breathing in and out. Never in his life had it hurt so much to breathe. He would never take it for granted again.

Scott rubbed comforting circles on Mitch's back as he breathed.

The nurse brought in some ice chips and Scott picked it up and handed it to Mitch.

"These might help your throat baby. Try a few." He said.

Mitch held out the mask for Scott to hold as he took a few bites of ice, relishing the coldness on his burning throat.

He greedily sucked down a few more mouthfuls before Scott took it from him and replaced the mask.

Mitch suddenly felt very exhausted and laid back, feeling more comfortable without tube jammed down his throat.

Scott gently rubbed the top of Mitch's head and the younger man dozed off.

Scott rubbed for a few more minutes before heading to the restroom and call Kirstie.

"Hey Kirstie, good news. The tube is out and so far so good." Scott said.

"Oh that's wonderful! How is he feeling? I bet he is glad to be off that machine."

"His throat hurts but they are giving him ice chips. He can't talk yet but I'm sure in day or two he won't be shutting up."

"I'll come by later today, I have those papers from work you asked for. All you have to do is sign them."

After Scott found out that Mitch was going to have to go to rehab to strengthen his lungs and his body, and would also need a lot care at home for awhile, Scott had asked the chief for an indefinite leave of absence from the department. He agreed and have the papers to Kirstie since Scott refused to leave Mitch's side.

"Ok, good. Thanks. I'll see you soon."


Mitch was released from the hospital a week later after promising the doctor he would take it easy, and Scott quickly confirmed it.

"Slow and Easy going up the steps Mitch. You're doing good, we're almost there." Scott said, as he felt Mitch rely on him to help him to the apartment.

By the time they got to the apartment, Mitch was very out of breath and Scott was growing concerned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, after seeing the man fight to get his breath.

"Yeah...Just...need to sit..down..awhile." Mitch said between gasps.

Scott helped Mitch to the couch and put his feet up. A few minutes later Mitch's breathing eased down.

"Told you. You worry too much Scotty. I'm fine." Mitch said smiling.

"You are not fine. Better, but not fine." Scott said.

"Same difference." Mitch said rolling his eyes.

"Don't bullshit me Mitch, how do you really feel?"

Mitch sighed and looked into the concerned blue eyes of his lover.

"I'm tired, my entire body hurts, especially my chest and I'm a little lightheaded from coming up the steps." He admitted.

"There, was that so hard? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mitch shrugged.

Before Mitch could protest, Scott got up and picked Mitch up in his arms and headed towards their bedroom. He gently laid Mitch down and covered him up before crawling in next to him.

"I think we could both use a nap." Scott said yawning, and scooted close to the younger man.

"Sounds good to me." Mitch said and snuggled in Scott's arms.


Mitch started rehab several days later and he was nervous.

"I'm still weak, Scott. What if I fall trying to do some exercises? Can't someone come to the apartment and work with me?" He asked.

"I know you're weak, baby, but this is what rehab is for, to get your strength back. You wont fall. Your physical therapist will be right there with you and so will I. You could do it at home, but I think it would do you some good to get out of the apartment for awhile. If you don't like it, you can do it from home, just give it a chance, okay?"

"Fine." Mitch said huffing and crossing his chest like a petulant child.

2 hours later, a sweaty and exhausted Mitch, and an angry Scott were on their way back home.

"I don't know why you just didn't let me keep going. The sooner I get my strength back the sooner things can get back to normal." Mitch pouted.

"Did you not listen to the therapist Mitch? If you overdue it you can cause more damage to your already weak muscles."

"I hate that you have to put your life on hold because of me."

Scott looked at Mitch like he had grown two heads. He pulled into the apartment complex and shut the car off.

"First of all, my life isn't on hold Mitch. You are my life. Simple as that. Nothing is more important than you and your health. Let me make that clear. Second of all, you saved my life Mitch. Did you forget that? You took a bullet for me. I wouldn't be here right now had you not completely disobeyed me and stayed at the station that night."

"Your job though, you miss it."

"it's just a job Mitch. I'm getting paid for my leave. Everyone understands and even if they didn't I wouldn't care. I would quit if I had to. I love you Mitch, you are everything to me."

A smile crept on Mitch's face.

"I love you too Scotty."

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