Chapter 11

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Scott pressed harder on the gas as the airport came into view.

"Private terminal that way." Kirstie said, reading the sign and pointing in the correct direction.

"Where the hell are the local cops?" Scott yelled as he swerved around traffic.

"On route. They arrested Russ, Mark and the guards. They are investigating the warehouse and I was told several were on route to the airport." Kevin added.

"Get out of the way!" Scott yelled as repeatedly honked his horn.

"Screw this. Come on!" Scott said as he threw the car into park and took off at a run towards the private hangers.

"Excuse me sir, you can't park that here!"

"Then move it!" Scott yelled as he threw the keys to the attendant and continued running.

They ran until they saw a dark colored SUV turn into one of the hangers at the end of the terminal.

"Kevin, circle around from the back, Kirstie, with me."

As they approached, they saw a small jet and the SUV parked close by.

"I managed to get what I wanted. The cargo is in my backseat. Be careful with it. He was expensive." Scott heard the man say.

As soon as the man opened up the backseat, Scott rushed in, followed by Kirstie, guns drawn, as Kevin came in from the back.

"LAPD, put your hands up!" Scott yelled.

"LAPD? You're a little out of your jurisdiction officer."

As Scott was about to answer, sirens from incoming police was heard.

"Maybe so, but they aren't. Now everyone step away from the SUV and get on the ground. NOW!"

"Do you know who I am officer?"

"No, and I really don't care. You're just another piece of trash that will be behind bars." Scott said smiling.

"You're making a huge mistake. I hope you don't think this is the end for me. If you do, you are sadly mistaken."

Scott ignored him and motioned for Kevin and Kirstie to cover him as he went to the SUV.

His heart caught in his throat as he saw just the top part of a blonde head sticking out of a sheet.

He looked up as the local police finally invaded the hanger.

"Kevin, help me get this cage out of here." Scott said, opening the back of the SUV and making room.

Together they slid the cage to the back and lifted it, setting it gently down on the ground.

Scott used the butt of his gun to break the lock and he threw open the door. He gently lifted the sheet out and onto the ground.

"Please be alive." He whispered as he unrolled the sheet.

Once he was for sure it was Mitch, Scott sobbed as he ripped off the tape covering Mitch's mouth and checked for breathing and a pulse.

"Breathing is a little shallow, pulse is strong though. He's been drugged. His lips smell like chloroform."

"Get that ambulance over here!" Scott yelled.

"You guys go with the locals and handle that. I'm going with Mitch. I'll call when I know something." He said standing back to give the paramedics room to work.

"Sure thing Scott. Tell Mitch we love him." Kirstie said hugging Scott as Kevin patted his shoulder.

Scott climbed into the ambulance after Mitch and held his limp hand as they took off.

"His vitals are all stable. The only thing we can really do is monitor him as the chloroform leaves his system." The paramedic said.

Scott nodded and sighed. Too many times he has found himself in this position. Mitch was always getting hurt, getting kidnapped. His life was constantly in danger it seemed. When would it end?

Thoughts ran through his head as he was directed to a waiting area in the hospital. Maybe he should quit the force. Move somewhere quiet with Mitch and settle down, out of the big city. He would have to run it by the younger man and see what he thought.

Now that he had Mitch back with him, he felt a little angry at the younger man.

He couldn't even let him explain. He doubted him that quickly and just took off. Mitch obviously didn't trust Scott at all, and that hurt. Could he even be with someone who didn't trust him? What would happen the next time there was an argument or misunderstanding. Would he run off again?

"Detective Hoying?" A voice said, interrupting Scott's thoughts.

Scott nodded and stood up as a doctor walked towards him.

"I'm Dr. Lopez. Mr. Grassi is awake and alert. His vitals are strong. I want to observe him for a few more hours and if he remains stable then he can be discharged."

"So, he's okay?" Scott asked.

"Yes, he seems to be doing very well. Especially under the circumstances in which you found him."

"Can I see him?"

"Certainly. He's in room 322."

Scott nodded his thanks and pulled out his phone to call Kirstie.

"Kirstie, the doctor said Mitch is doing fine. He's stable and alert and he will probably be discharged in a few hours."

"Oh thank god. I'm so happy. Have you seen him yet?"

"No, I'm heading to his room now. Did everything get taken care of there?"

"Yeah, the guy who bought Mitch is named Henry Thomas. Sound familiar?" She asked.

"Henry Thomas...The guy who is CEO of that huge corporation in Denver? That Henry Thomas?"

"Yep. Apparently he was using his company as a front to buy and sell men. This goes way further than Russ and Mark. Seems like we've stumbled upon a sex trafficking ring that spans through several countries."

Scott shook his head as he continued to walk.

"Only Mitch would get caught up in something like that." He said angrily.

"Scott? What's going on? You seem like you're angry with Mitch."

"I am Kirstie. He put us, through hell for days just because he didn't trust me. He felt like he couldn't come to me and talk about what was bothering him. I've been there for him since the beginning and he doesn't trust me Kirst? It's a slap in the face."

"I understand what you're saying Scott, are you going to break up with him? Do you still love him?"

"Of course I still love him, but I don't know if I can be with someone who doesn't trust me." He said sadly.

"Give him time Scott. He's been through a lot."

"I have too Kirstin! I almost lost him again."

"Sounds like you two need to have a long talk when he is discharged. I love you both, Scott. I just want you two to be happy."

"I'll call you later Kirst. Thanks."

"You're welcome honey, bye."

Scott hung up and stared at the number on Mitch's door. Yesterday he couldn't wait to see him, now he felt like he wished he had a little more time. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

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