Chapter 2

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Mitch was rocking back and forth on the couch as Kevin entered the house.

He didn't say anything as he hurried passed Mitch and into the bedroom, returning a few minutes later looking confused.

"Mitch, is this the picture you are talking about?" He asked holding up a frame.

Mitch stopped rocking and glanced over.

"It was gone....I looked all over. Where did you get it?"

"It was on the nightstand Mitch. Right where you said it was. I'm sure you just overlooked it. No big deal. I'll call Scott and tell him false alarm."

Mitch just nodded. He knew that picture wasn't there before. He was sure of it. Did Kevin take it and put it back? Why would he? Kevin was a good person, one of his closest friends. There had to be an explanation.

"Scott's almost here Mitch. I'll wait here until he gets here. Are you okay?"

Mitch remained quiet a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say. Maybe he did overlook the picture being there.

"I'm fine Kevin. Sorry about this."

"Don't worry about it, Mitch. Everything is cool." Kevin smiled but it did nothing to ease Mitch's nerves.

They sat in silence waiting on Scott to arrive when Mitch remembered something.

"Why were you only a few blocks away when I called?" Mitch asked, trying not sound too accusing.

"I was running some errands and just happened to be in your neck of the woods. Good timing huh." Kevin smiled, but Mitch noticed it looked forced.

Kevin was hiding something, he was sure of it.

He looked up as Scott walked in the door.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Scott asked walking over to Mitch and kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I made you leave work."

"You didn't make me. I wanted to come. Now want to tell me what happened exactly?"

"Look guys I think I'm going to head out. Take care Mitch. Scott, I'll see you tomorrow." Kevin interrupted as he headed for the door.

"See ya Kevin. Thanks."

Kevin nodded and shut the door behind him.

"Now, what happened Mitch?" Scott asked again.

"When I got home and walked in something felt off. I don't know what it was. No one was in here or anything. When I got to the bedroom I noticed our picture gone. I looked on the floor, under the bed and all around the nightstand and it wasn't there. I told Kevin. He went to his car to get something to check for fingerprints and came back to the bedroom, was in there for a few and came out and said our picture was there on the nightstand. I know it wasn't there Scott. Kevin must've had it."

"Baby, you know Kevin. He is a good man and a good cop. I'm sure there is an explanation. You saw the therapist today didn't you?"

"Yes." Mitch answered, not liking where Scott was going with this.

"Did you have a hard session?"

"No more than usual I guess. Why?"

"Sometimes you can have a lot of things on your mind and not notice things that are right in front of you. Maybe you were thinking about other things and didn't notice the picture there." Scott said gently.

Mitch felt hurt. Scott didn't believe him. Maybe he was right though. Kevin wouldn't do that to him.

This was all some silly mix up, had to be.

But that look on Kevin's face. The forced smile.

"Mitch? Tell me what you're thinking." Scott asked.

"Scott, I know that picture wasn't there. I'm not crazy and I didn't have anything else on my mind. I swear."

"I know you aren't crazy sweetheart. Let's forget about this for now, okay? No one broke in, you're safe and we have our picture. Let's go out to dinner, okay?"

Mitch, sensing this was a lost cause, nodded in agreement.

He knew that picture wasn't there.

He was not going to forget about this.

After dinner they returned home and as Scott headed for the shower, Mitch went to the bedroom and picked up the picture.

He looked it over for anything out of the ordinary but found nothing.

He sighed deeply and climbed out of his clothes and into his side of the bed.

20 minutes later he felt Scott slide in next to him and wrap his arms around him.

"Goodnight baby. Love you." Scott said sleepily.

"Goodnight Scotty, love you too."

Mitch waited until Scott was sleeping soundly before getting up and grabbing the phone. He walked quietly to the living room and picked up the phone.

He made sure the recipient wouldn't be able to see the number before dialing.

He waited a few rings and almost hung up before a "Hello?" answered.

Mitch waited a few seconds then hung up, before calling again.

"Who is this?" The voice asked, clearly irritated.

Mitch was about to hang up again, when a car alarm started going off.

He looked at the phone then quickly hung up.

He could hear the car alarm through phone. He had called Kevin.

Kevin was outside his apartment.


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