Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mitch headed immediately to their apartment. He couldn't believe this was happening. He trusted Scott, he loved him. Why was he lying to him?

And Kirstie. She flat out lied to him, right to his face.

He couldn't trust anyone.

He walked in, packed his clothes and left Scott a note. He hesitated before leaving. Scott was a detective after all. It was his job to find people. How long would it take Scott to find him?

He bit his lip as he reconsidered leaving. As he went to put his clothes back, he heard Scott's voice in his head. "Remember not a word of this to Mitch."

Mitch shook his head, grabbed his bag and headed out the door.

He thought about taking his car, but Scott would immediately put an APB out on it and the chances of him even getting out of the city in it before he was found was slim to none.

He called a taxi and decided his best bet was the airport.


Kirstie made her way back to her desk when she noticed Mitch was nowhere around.

Figuring he went to the restroom or the lobby for a snack, she shrugged and proceeded to get to work on the case they had been assigned.

"Kirstie where's Mitch?" Scott asked coming out of his office.

She looked up and frowned. The younger man had been gone for awhile.

"I'm not sure Scott. When I got back from our meeting he wasn't here. I thought maybe he went to the restroom." She answered.

"I'm going to go look in there. Do me a favor and go to the vending machines and look for him and find Kevin. Maybe he's with him."

She nodded and hurried towards the lobby.

Scott had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Last time he felt this way is when Avi had kidnapped Mitch.

He shook his head.

Avi was dead.

"Mitch? You in here? Mitchie?" Scott asked as he walked in and looked into the open stalls.

He frowned and pulled out his cell phone.

"He's not in the restroom Kirstin, did you find him?"

"No Scott, he isn't in the lobby and Kevin said he hasn't seen him. Maggie, the secretary in the lobby said she saw him leave awhile ago. Said he looked upset Scott."

"Damn." He yelled hanging up.

He quickly called Mitch's cell phone and cursed when it went straight to voicemail.

"Mitch, baby, where are you? What happened? Are you okay? Please call me. I'm so worried. I love you."

Scott hung up and headed to Kirstie's desk.

"He's not answering his phone. Track it." He said.

"He must have it turned off Scott. The last known location was just outside your guys's apartment."

"I'm heading there now. Keep trying."

Scott's heart wad beating frantically in his chest. What if someone took him? What if he was hurt? Mitch was his entire life. The love of his life.

He pulled up to the apartment and glanced around before hurrying up the steps.

He quickly unlocked the door and rushed inside.

"Mitch? Mitch are you here baby?"

He saw the note on the kitchen table and fear gripped him as he opened it.


I'm sorry it had to come to this. I never would have left you. Why did you lie to me? Why did Kirstie and Kevin lie? Was it worth it? Hiding things from me? I love you Scott. I love you so much it hurts me. Please don't look for me. I know its in your nature to fix what's wrong but this time it can't be fixed. I trusted you. I trusted you Scott and you kept things from me. Please let me go It will be easier to heal my broken heart this way. I hope you are happy.

Goodbye Scotty.


Scott dropped the paper and ran to the bedroom. He saw Mitch's clothes and personal items gone and tears ran down his face.

He cried for what seemed like hours before pulling himself together. There was no way he was going to let Mitch go. Not without explaining himself.

His phone rang as he grabbed the note and was heading out of the apartment.

"Scott, did you find him there?" Kirstie asked.

"No Kirst. He left me a note...He's gone. Doesn't want me to look for him. He must've heard us in the hallway talking. He thinks we all lied to him and kept things from him."

"Oh no Scott. I'm sorry. I's his car there? I can put an APB out on it."

"His car is here. Start by getting his picture out there and focus on the airport and bus station. I can't lose him Kirstie. I need to explain to him what was going on."

"We'll find him Scott."

Kirstie hung up and Scott reread Mitch's note over and over.

"I'm not losing you again Mitch."

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