Chapter 7

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**Just to clarify, Scott got to New York about 12 hours after Mitch. Sorry if there was any confusion. Thanks for reading! When this chapter starts, Mitch had been kidnapped roughly 8 hours earlier. It's currently the following morning.

Scott grabbed a cup of coffee on the way to pick up Kirstie and Kevin from the airport. They took a red-eye flight and were due early this morning.

"Thanks for coming out. "Scott said hugging Kirstie and Kevin.

"No need to thank us. We love him too." Kirstie said.

"Yeah I feel like this is all my fault. I had no idea he was on to me, Scott." Kevin said apologetically.

"It's not your fault Kev. If its anyone's its mine, but enough of that, lets head to the police station and group up with them." Scott answered.


When Mitch woke, the first thing he noticed was a pounding headache and a funny taste in his mouth. He tried to remember what happened last night and then it all came back to him at once.

The modeling offer, that guy Mark and someone grabbing him. He immediately went to sit up and it was then he noticed he was bound to the bed.

"Good, you're awake." A voice said from behind him.

"Where am I? What's going on. Please, untie me. Let me go." Mitch pleaded.

"Calm down Mitch. I'll answer all of your questions. First of all, you are in a warehouse of sorts. Secondly, you're very beautiful, and because of that, you are going to make me a lot of money. I'm not just a photographer, Mitch. Yes, I do take photos, but the photos are for my clients who are looking for a new...toy."

"Toy?" Mitch asked.

"My clients are looking for a new slave, Mitch. I am sex trafficker, and you my friend are going to bring big bucks."

"No, please. Let me go, I swear I won't tell anyone anything." Mitch cried.

"Sshh, don't cry. You'll be alright. Now, you listen to me and things won't be so rough. You don't listen to me and well, I won't be so nice. Do you understand?"

Mitch sobbed and nodded.

"Good. Now, it's time for pictures. I'm going to untie you and don't try escape There are armed guards all over this building who won't think to shoot first."

Mitch laid still as he was untied and stood when he was instructed.

"Follow me to the bathroom where you will shower You won't need any clothes on after."

Mitch's whole body shook as he followed Mark to the bathroom. He glanced around as he walked and he saw the guards, what little hope he had that Mark was lying was now lost.

"You have 5 minutes. Don't make me come in there after you." Mark said opening the door to the bathroom.

Mitch nodded and took the fastest shower he has ever taken and opened the bathroom door once finished.

"Good boy. Dry off and follow me back to the bedroom."

Mitch took the large towel from him and began drying off as he made his way back to the bedroom he woke up in. He stopped in the doorway as he saw a large camera set up in front of the bed.

"Come on, don't be shy. Get on the bed Mitch."

Mitch took a step back but his arm was grabbed roughly and he was jerked towards the bed and thrown onto it.

"I told you to do what I say and this will go so much easier. Now, lay on the bed spread eagle on your back."

Mitch did as he was told and got in the position. Over the next couple hours, he was forced to pose in several provocative positions, and he grew more and more scared.

"You look gorgeous. They are going to love you. I'll send these to my clients and tomorrow morning the highest bidder will get your sexy ass."

Mark gathered up the camera and left Mitch alone, locking the door from the outside.


"So, what are your officers doing to help find him?" Scott asked as he, Kirstie and Kevin spoke to the chief of the local station.

"Detective Hoying, I understand that he is your boyfriend, but from what you've told me, he left Las Angeles of his own free will after a misunderstanding between you two. He isn't considered a missing person. My officers have bigger cases to work on."

Scott clenched his fist and stood up, ignoring Kirstie's hand on his shoulder warning him.

"You are supposed to be police officers. You obviously don't take the badge very seriously if you can't even follow up on a simple missing persons case!" He yelled.

"Scott, honey lets go. It won't do Mitch any good if you get put in jail. We can look for him ourselves."

Scoot took a deep breath and nodded. He narrowed his eyes and threw a dirty look to the officer before turning and leaving.

"Let's start at the shady motels in town first. Flash Mitch's picture to the desk clerks. Hopefully someone can recognize him."

"Sounds like a plan." Kevin said as they headed for the motel.

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