Chapter 15

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"What's going on?" Mitch asked as Kevin practically dragged him into the station and into Scott's office.

"Nothing, just police work. Stay here, I have to go meet with Scott." Kevin said.

Mitch sat down in a huff. Why couldn't anyone tell him anything? Was police work really that confidential?

He played a game on his phone for what seemed like hours until he saw several people including Kirstie, Kevin and Scott come out of the conference room down the hall.

He saw Scott glance at his watch several times and Mitch looked at the clock, wondering what was so special about the time.

He stood up as Scott headed towards his office. Scott said nothing as he grabbed his gun from the drawer and made sure it was loaded. He watched as Kirstie and Kevin did the same.

"Scotty?" Mitch asked, getting a bad feeling.

"We have to go out and arrest someone Mitch. I need you to stay here. We'll be back soon."

"Is it dangerous Scott? I'm worried for you. What's going on?"

"You know I can't tell you Mitch. It's confidential. I'm a detective Mitch, you know my job is dangerous, but I'm damn good at it. Don't worry. We'll be back soon." Scott said, managing a smile.

Mitch let a tear fall as he catapulted himself into Scott's arms.

"Please be careful." Mitch said sniffling.

"Always." Scott said peeling himself away.

Kirstie and Kevin threw Mitch a reassuring smile as they followed Scott out the door.

Mitch glanced at the clock every few minutes. He didn't know how long it would take them to do what they had to do. It had been over an hour and Mitch was growing impatient. He walked out to the lobby and headed towards Kathleen, the receptionist.

"Hey Kathleen. How are you doing?" He asked politely.

"Oh hi Mitch. I'm fine. How are you?" She asked smiling.

"Good. You wouldn't happen to know when Scott is coming back would you?"

"Probably not for awhile, I think they went on that big bust tonight."

"Oh really? What kind of bust? Drugs?" He asked.

"Not sure. I overheard some of the guys talking about some big spender coming in looking for men or something to buy and sell. I could be wrong though."

Mitch's pulse quickened. This sounded awfully familiar.

"Do you remember the guy they were after? His name?"

"No, sure don't. I think Jenkins over there might. He's the one I heard it from." She said pointing to an older officer at a desk across the room.

Mitch smiled at her and headed towards the officer.

"Hey Jenkins." He said casually.

Jenkins looked up in surprise.

"What are you doing here so late?"

"Scott left me here so he could go on his big bust or whatever."

"Oh, the Henry Thomas bust. Yeah. I hope he gets the guy."

"H..Henry T...Thomas? You sure that was the name?" Mitch stuttered.

"Yeah, hold on, I have Scott's memo here somewhere."

Mitch practically shook as he waited for the man to find the memo.

"Here it is. Yeah Henry Thomas. Meeting down behind the bowling alley on Penwood. Bad part of town if you ask me. I hope Scott has the appropriate back up. He' going to need it."

Mitch nodded and turned away. His mind was going a million miles an hour. Scott was in danger. He needed to help. It was his turn to help Scott.

Mitch grabbed his jacket and ran out the door, heading for the bowling alley.


"No sign of him yet, boss." Came the voice through Scott's ear piece.

"It's 5 til 10. He will be here any minute. Stay focused." Scott answered.

Just as Scott answered, a black SUV pulled up outside the abandoned house and Henry Thomas, followed by several men exited the car.

"Eyes on the target." Scott said quietly as he motioned for the team to follow him and take their positions.

"Wait until he incriminates himself. Then move in."

They watched as Thomas looked over the offering of young men and shook his head at each one.

"I told you what I'm looking for and this isn't it. The next time I come here to buy a young man, it better be the one I want." They heard Thomas say.

"Move in! Move in!" Scott whispered into his ear piece.

"LAPD you are under arrest! Get on the ground now!" Scott yelled, pointing his gun at random people.

"Ah, detective. Good to see you again. If you don't mind, I'll be making my way out now." Thomas said smiling.

"Don't move Thomas. Or actually please do run. Give me a reason to shoot you." Scott said.

"You do amuse me, but I told you before nothing will stick. Do us both a favor and let myself and my colleagues be on our way."

"Get on the ground now!" Scott yelled again, his finger squeezing around the trigger.

Thomas narrowed his eyes and gave an almost imperceptible nod, that Scott barely caught.

Scott turned just as someone screamed his name, a body slamming into his and a shot rang out. 

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