Chapter 8

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"Have you seen this guy?" Scott asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Nope, never seen him before."

"Are you sure? Take a good look. He may have rented a room from you or somewhere near by?" He asked again, clinging to hope.

The owner of the shady motel grabbed the picture and studied it before taking a deep breath.

"Ya know, I don't know for sure, but he may be over at the Shadetree motel, it's about 2 blocks down. The owner's name is Russ. He likes to take in the pretty ones, if you know what I mean."

The owner of the motel took a step back as Scott's eyes grew dark.

"If he's laid a hand on him, I'll kill him." Scott said walking off in the direction of the Shadetree motel.

"Scott, you need to stay calm. That guy could've been yanking your chain. If this Russ guy suspects anything, he might not tell us anything about Mitch." Kevin said.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just...After what happened with Avi....Let's go."

Scott practically ran to the motel and took a deep breath before entering.

He could tell just from the look of the place that nothing good ever happened there.

"I'm looking for the owner." Scott said.

"That's me. The name's Russ."

Scott forced himself to remain calm. So, if the other guy was right about the name, was he also right about everything else?

"You seen this guy?" Scott said holding Mitch's picture up.

"I..umm, no don't think so, sorry." He stuttered, and Scott knew immediately he was lying.

"Really? I think you should look again. Closer this time."

"I said I haven't seen him. Now please leave."

Scott flashed a dangerous smile and grabbed Russ by his collar and slammed him against the wall. He picked up Mitch's picture and shoved it in the guy's face.

"I said look again."

"Y..yes I'm sorry. I've seen him. He rented a room from me a couple days ago. I haven't seen him since."

Scott tilted his head and looked into Russ's eyes.

"Want to try that again? The truth this time."

"Scott, the registry book says he's in room 218. Kevin and I will go check it out. Stay calm." Kirstie said.

"I'm calm. I'm just gonna have a little chat with Russ here." Scott said calmly.

"I told you everything I know!" Russ yelled.

"You see Russ, I don't think you did. Did I mention I'm a detective? I know when people lie to me. Now I'm only going to ask one more time. Where the hell is he?"

"Scott, room is cleared out. No sign anyone was ever there." Kirstie said coming down the steps.

"Where is he!" Scott yelled, slamming Russ back up against the wall.

"Okay! I'll tell you! A buddy of mine, Mark, offered him a job posing for pictures. He needed cash so he took the job."

"What kind of pictures?" Scott asked, not liking where the conversation was going. He knew what kind of people hung out in shady motels, and New York had a large problem with sex trafficking.

"Uh, well he has these clients...They pay a lot money for a pretty face and a hot body."

Scott forced himself to remain calm. He would never find Mitch if he killed Russ.

"This Mark guy got a last name?"

"Knox. Mark Knox."

"Where did he take Mitch, and did he go willingly?"

"I'm not sure where he took him. He knocked him out with chloroform and put him in his trunk. I'm just supposed to call him when a hot body comes in looking for a room. He deals with the rest. I swear!"

Scott finally released Russ and took a step back.

"Scott, we need to call the local authorities, have them pick this piece of trash up." Kevin said in disgust.

"Not yet. Russ here is going to give Mark a call and tell him he has someone here for him. You'll do that for me, wont you Russ?" Scott said menacingly.

"Of" He stuttered.


Mitch paced and paced the length of his room. He cried for all the mistakes he'd made. He missed Scott. He should've let him explain what was going on. 

Now look at the mess he was in. Scott couldn't rescue him this time. He tried pulling on the door, but it wouldn't budge. He knew there were guards everywhere but he would rather be dead than to go through what was about to happen to him. 

It was getting late, and according to Mark, he was going to be sold in the morning.

Why him?

He never gave any thought to having a cute face or a nice body before Avi, he even liked the way he looked. Now he hated it.

It's what got him all this unwanted attention.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. If he was too ugly, then maybe no one would want him. They of course would kill him, but he didn't care now. He had ruined it with the man he loved, he had nothing left to live for.

Mitch looked around the room for anything he could use to make bruises on himself. His eyes stopped on his nightstand. He pulled out the drawer and examined the sharp corners.

This would hurt but be worth it. At the very least he would knock himself out and then maybe they would kill him.

He put the corner of the drawer up to his face and closed his eyes.

"I love you Scott." He whispered.

Just as Mitch raised his arms to bring the drawer down, Mark unlocked the door and walked in. He took in the sight before him and lunged at Mitch, knocking the drawer out of his hands.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled struggling to contain Mitch, who was thrashing in his arms.

"Guard! Get in here!" Mark yelled.

Seconds later two guards rushed in.

"Don't just stand there, help me restrain him on the bed!"

Ten minutes later Mitch's arms were tied tightly to the headboard and his feet were bound with duct tape.

His chest was heaving as tears spilled down his cheeks.

"Please, just kill me. Don't sell me. Please. KILL ME!" Mitch screamed.

Mark was about to answer Mitch when his phone rang, he motioned at the guard to keep Mitch quiet while he went into the hall to answer.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Mark, it's Russ. I have someone else you might be interested in."

"Yeah? What's he look like?" Mark asked, intrigued.

"Blonde, blue eyes. Smokin hot. Just checked in. He seems real excited about takin some pictures."

"Sounds interesting. What room?"

"Same as the last guy. 218."

"Good, I'll be there soon." Mark said before hanging up.

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