Chapter 5

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When Mitch arrived at the airport he had no particular destination in mind.

He went to the ticket counter at thought about all the possibilities. He had managed to save some money back thanks to Scott insisting on paying for everything.


A tear came to Mitch's eye and he quickly wiped it away. He couldn't think about Scott anymore. It was over.

He thought about what he wanted to do for work and hoped he could find something quick. It was then he decided on New York City. Plenty of people that he could blend in and a lot of places he could find work.

Even if Scott somehow managed to track him there, in a city as big as New York, it would be hard to find him.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" The ticket lady asked once it was Mitch's turn in line.

"I need a ticket to New York City please."

"Certainly. Return or one way?"

"One way please." Mitch said sadly.

"Will this be First class? Business or Economy?"


"I have a flight leaving in 45 minutes. It's non-stop to New York city. It's $411.36."

"I'll take it. Thank you."

Mitch paid for his ticket and headed towards the correct gate to wait.


Scott paced back and forth inside his apartment. He picked up his cell phone and called Mitch for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Mitch please. You have this all wrong. I wasn't keeping secrets. I...I had plans for us. Please let me explain. Give me a chance. I love you."

Scott hung up called right back. Trying to explain over voicemail isn't how he envisioned doing this.

"Mitch, I swear there is nothing going on. I gave the picture of us to Kevin so he could blow it up for you. Kirstie was going to help me pick out a ring for you Mitch. I made her promise not to tell you. I was going to propose. I love you Mitchie. Please call me. I love you so much."

He hung up again and broke down sobbing. He knew the detective in him should get to work on this, but his heart was broken.

His phone rang and he scrambled to answer it hoping it was Mitch. Sadness overwhelmed him when he saw it was Kirstie.

"Yeah." He answered solemnly.

"Scott, I have an APB out on Mitch. The airport and bus station are on alert as well as the local taxi services in the area. Kevin is heading to the bus station to look around. I'm still watching for his phone to come back online."

"Thanks Kirstie."

"We'll find him Scott. Mitch loves you. In the meantime, you should head to the airport and look around. I'll call if I find out anything else."

"Good idea. Thanks again Kirstie."

Scott hung up and pulled himself together. He had to find Mitch. He ran back to his car and headed for the airport. It was currently rush hour and getting to the airport was going to take time he didn't have.

After what seemed like forever he was in sight of the airport just as Kirstie called.

"Scott, a cab driver recognized Mitch's picture. Said he took him to the airport nearly two hours ago. The driver didn't know where he was heading. Just that Mitch looked upset."

Scott's heart broke. Mitch was in pain because of this misunderstanding. He was all alone and thinking that the people he considered his family had lied to him.

He pressed on the gas a little harder.

He parked his car and ran inside and to the first ticket counter he laid eyes on.

"Excuse me, official police business mam. I'm Detective Scott Hoying, LAPD." Scott said flashing his badge. "I need the flight information for Mitchell Grassi."

The ticket woman narrowed her eyes and she opened her mouth to protest when Scott threw a menacing look at her, she immediately closed it. She began typing furiously on her keyboard.

"Here he is. Mitchell Grassi. One- way ticket to New York city. He left via gate 41 about an hour ago, I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Scott said dejectedly before walking away.

He picked up his phone and dialed Kirstie.

"I'm too late. He bought a one -way ticket to New York. He left an hour ago. He's gone Kirstie. Mitch is gone."

"So what are you doing standing there you moron? Buy a ticket and go after him!"

"I'll call you when I land Kirstie. Thank you."

Kirstie shook her head as she hung up.

"Men." She said to herself as she fixed her hair in the mirror on her desk.


Mitch forced himself to sleep on the flight. He knew he should think about where he was going to sleep tonight and where to look for a job, but right now Scott was the only thing invading his mind, so he slept.

Before he knew it he heard the captains voice announcing that they were approaching New York.

Once he was off the plane and in the airport he felt completely overwhelmed.

He took a deep breath andheaded out into the big city.

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