Chapter 1

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GASP! Opening her eyes, she saw the bubbles of her life drift away from her. Endless water had engulfed her as she stayed, trapped, in her cage. It was happening again.....the lucid dream that had appeared since her teenage years. Gripping the bars that held her, Cleo looked up towards the surface. She saw the light which rippled with the water's waves like a warm invitation to leave. Cleo was a determined individual, she had nothing to lose but also not much to gain. All she could do was to adapt and then fight. In pain, she yanked a bobby pin from her red locks and began to pick the lock. Her lungs started to panic, demanding more and more air. Adrenaline shot from her brain and travelled all through her veins. The heart had gone almost numb, beating slower than before. The water that flooded into her eyes left her in a stinging pain as her whole body began to tremble. However, despite all of this, Cleo was calm, feeling no sense of urgency, just pure tranquillity. CLICK! The lock broke off the bars and further sank into the unknown depths of the sea. Was the cage significant? Did the cage ever terrify Cleo? Did she ever just stay in the cage long enough for her body to pass out? It could have been a wonder of the purpose of the cage, but it never did matter. Swimming towards the surface, Cleo embraced the sea around her. It had waves that moved in a harmonic way as they all were unified together. The multiple shades of blue splashed together making a symphony of one colour as the ocean got deeper and darker. Not a single creature could be heard, noticed or seen beside Cleo. The empty ocean gave her a sense of protection, like a sponge of her fears. Her straight red hair floated behind her in a jelly-fish like motion, as she swam towards the surface. The light slowly could be seen more vividly lighting up the ocean. Finally, Cleo had broken through the waters and reached the surface. Her locks had stuck to the back of her head down to her neck, soaked and dripping. As she kept herself afloat, a distant woman was observed. Cleo, slowly swimming towards her, tried to make out the facial features of this being. The woman was quite larger than an average human, she was a giant. Her blond, curly hair was combed neatly behind her ears, giving her a classy look. The woman's hands had covered the upper portion of her face as something flowed from it. The tides had become stronger, pushing Cleo further back into the sea as she pushed forward towards the woman. This was just like the many times before, the closer she gets, the more powerful the waves. Fighting through the tides, Cleo finally got to a good visible distance from the women. What she saw had saddened her, making her pity the woman. If only she could have helped in some way, the woman wouldn't be the way she is. Something indeed flowed down her face. It was her tears. What were essentially gentle droplets of water had now turned into a stream. What was originally emptiness around her was now filled with the ocean of her tears. Cleo, unknown to the woman, had been trapped inside her tears. In empathy, just as she tried to reach out, the waves had calmed. A noise of rumble could be heard, almost as it was coming from under the water. Just as Cleo looked, the water had formed an object, almost like a hand. Suddenly, the hand had wrapped around Cleo and began to force her into the sea. In pitch black, she felt her lungs contract and suffocate of air as her heartbeat twice as fast as it did before.

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