Argue, Eat, Repeat

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"I'm home!" the man shouted as he put the groceries on the kitchen table. "And I bought pie!"

"What a surprise," his roommate, who had suddenly entered the kitchen, responded.

The lighter haired man took the pie out of the grocery bag and placed it on the table. "You want a piece?" he asked as he opened the box. "Grab some plates, will ya?"

"What type even is that? Wait, is that le-"

"Lemon." he interrupted.

The other fellow looked at him with slight disgust on his face. "Seriously? Even I wouldn't eat lemon pie."

"I- I actually never had it before, figured it wouldn't taste very well, normally more a sweet pie guy myself! But someone recommended it and seemed very sure of it so, I thought trying something new wouldn't kill me."

"What's her name?" he said as he handed one plate to his shorter acquaintance.

"Why do you always assume it's like that."

"Cause it always is, so what's her name?"

"It was a guy actually, and I seem to have forgotten to ask his name. We were way to busy picking pies," he joked.

"A male? Thought the only males you ever spoke to were me and Benny."

"Well, you thought wrong. For I, in fact, do sometimes talk to other people, something you could never say."

"Hey, I do talk to people-" the tall man protested.

"When? Today when you went grocery shopping perhaps? Oh wait, you didn't go, I did."

"Yes, I know, I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Well, I reminded you two hours ago, yet I had to go anyway."

"I was busy!"

"Doing what?"

"You know what!"

"Yeah, well, because you were busy doing your dumb stuff on that dumb computer, I'm gonna be late for my appointment tonight."

"Then why are you eating pie right now?"

"There is always time for pie!" the man shouted back, with his mouth still full of pie. "You know, this actually isn't as bad, you should try some."

"No thank you, I'd rather eat one of your bacon wrapped bacon balls than eat lemon pie."

"Hey!" the man protested. "You loved those when you were little!"

"Yes, and I also loved dad back then, people change. Anyway, I need to go now, got some work to do."

"Good luck with that."

"Won't need it!" he confidently responded as he left the room.



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