Going Outside Once Wouldn't Kill You

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POV: Author

"Goodmorning," the man said, smiling, as he entered the kitchen.

"Uhm, goodmorning? You're in a good mood," his taller acquaintance, who sat at the kitchentable, holding a cup of coffee as if he would die if anything were to happen to it, replied.

"I sure am!"

"What's her name?" the taller guy asked as he took the last sip from his coffee, put it down, and opened the newspaper infront of him.

"Who's name?"

"The girl, who's house you probably left half an hour ago."

The shorter guy walked over to the fridge, and replied as he took out some leftovers of some sort of pie. "Oh, her, would you believe if I said I don't know?"

"Weirdly enough, yeah, that doesn't really surprise me."

"Oh come on dude, let me live a little. It's quite fun you know, you should try it once."

"No thank you, I'm not interested in sleeping with any random drunk lady I can-"

The shorter man interrupted him before he could finish. "I ment living, you should try that once."

"Okay I know you're not the smartest person alive so incase it wasn't clear, I actually am alive right now."

"You know what I mean, when's the last time you've actually been outside. And I don't mean your weird six am runs, I mean actually going out, to a bar or something, anything."

"Whatfor? Just so I can get drunk, make out with a stranger, wake up in her bed and not even remember half the things I did the day before?"

"Yes, exactly for that reason. Okay, you don't have to go get drunk, or lose your virginity, but to you could at least talk to anyone in real life, your stuck to your laptop screen all day, doesn't it ever bore you?"

"First of all, I'm not a virgin-" the slightly annoyed man replied.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that Bro."

"Second of all," he continued, "I actually do go out sometimes. I was actually thinking if going to the pet store anytime soon."

"If you're thinking of getting a dog you can forget it, you know about my allergies-"

"Dude, don't worry, I'm not adopting anything, just thought it would be fun to look at cute dogs, is that a crime?"

If you ask me I'dd say anything to do with dogs should be a crime, but I guess no, it isn't. If you're going anyway, maybe try to talk to a human along the way, also, we're out of milk," he says as he takes the last sip of a bottle of milk he suddenly had in his hand, and holds it upsidedown.

"I'll see if I have time today," the taller guy said, leaving the kitchen right after.

"Also pie!" the man shouted at him after the door closed. "Don't you dare forget the pie again!"


Wow, two chapters in less than half an hour? It really is christmas. Anyway, happy corona vacation or whatever yall, try not to get depressed and stay hydrated, bye.

Also I know the title might not fit the current situation outside lmao but I'm not gonna change my fic cus corona is happening lmao wattpad is a a safe space and corona can skidaddle.

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