Officer Campbell

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POV: Gabriel

"Hya," I said as I walked in.

"Sit down,"my boss said, happily as always.

I turned the chair around and sat on it, with a leg on both sides of the chair. "What's up doc?" I asked.

"Can you act decent for once, please?"

"Ahw, Mikey, why so sad? Mommy forgot to cut the crust of your bread today again?" I said teasingly. Mikey will never admit it but he likes when I tease him.

"I swear to god Campbell, if you weren't so damb good at your job I would have sacked you years ago."

"But ya won't, cause ya need me."

"Damn," he sighed, "yeah, I do. I really do. Anyway, I got this case. It might be a tricky one though. Even for you."

"Hey, they call me the Trickster for a reason."

"No, they don't. No one calls you that, only you do. And how would that even be relevant-"

"Don't question the Trickster sir. Beside, we both know you like the nickname." I winked at him.

"Uhm, okay, whatever. Okay, so the case. There is this guy, or woman, we don't actually know. He's been hacking into a lot of computer systems from different shops and other companies, leaving, well, strange messages. We haven't been-"

At that point I just had to interrupt him. "I'm sorry sir, strange messages? Can I get a bit more information about that?"

"Well, see for yourself," he said as he pulled out a map from his deskdrawer and opened it. He took out a few pictures showing screenshots of the messages.

'Don't look behind you.'

'I like candy like I like my men, hard.'

' I am your computer, I have become self-aware.'

There were also a few with just random pictures or gifs, like a schoolsite with a picture of some random dude with the text 'Goodmorning Vietnam!' under it.

"And those are just some examples. The second one makes us believe it might be a woman but it's never sure in these cases."

I tried to hold my laugh but it wasn't easy.

"Can you please stay professional. I understand you might find this very amusing but we've had so many complaints, we can't handle them anymore."

"Okay, sure, but is this really policework? Looks like some fifteen year old is just out having fun."

"If so, then it is one smart fifteen year old. The last message he left, he left at the criminal care institution."

"He hacked Arkham?"

"For the last time, it isn't called Ark- Ah whatever, anyway, I hope you know see the problem. The messages aren't really the problem but we can't have some random man or woman hacking into important systems. So, Campbell, you think you can find them?"

"How am I even supposed to find a hacker?"

"Well, normally it's nearly impossible, but this one is leaving clues to his whereabouts. For starters, he or she has only hacked stuff in this city and around it. He or she also makes it quite clear that he has been to all the places he or she has hacked. Of course that isn't very helpful since there are a lot of people who go there but we are pretty sure he or she lives in either this town or around it."

"So what? You want me to go around every house in this town, rang the doorbell and ask if they might be a hacker? I still have no idea how to find this person."

"Well, it is your job to figure that out, isn't it?"


"Goodbye Gabriel, best of luck."

"Goodbye Mikey," I said as I got up.

"Please don't call me Mikey."

"Nah, I like it," I said as I left the office.


Don't worry, your favourite brothers will occur very soon.

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