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(I'm back. You should prob reread a bit before continuing cus else u won't understand shit, I know I wouldnt lol. Also I added the POV's now so now u can easily see who the chapter is about cus I got a lot of comments about people being confused. Now get ready for the lil cutie you've all been waiting for)


(That was him. Ok now for real)


POV: Castiel

Sunday morning and I walked into the police station. God, I can't remember the last weekend I didn't have to work. I was on my way to my desk as I passed the custody suite and I saw something quite familiar.


The man behind the bars looked up at me. "Hm? Oh, it's you! Hey, how are you?"

"I'm- fine...? Uhm, how are you?"

"Yea- no- great really, obviously."

I stood there staring at him for a bit. "So, uhm, if you don't mind me asking..."

"Yes? Spit it out."

"Why are you here?"

"Hm, oh, behind the bars you mean. I got arrested."

"Yes, I figured out that much."

The man laughed. "I told you you were clever."

I didn't really get how noticing that would make me clever but I decided not to argue it and I politely took the compliment. "So, care to explain-" I tried to ask as I got interrupted.

"You get one call, Mr. Hetfield," a voice behind Castiel said.

Castiel turned around and greeted what appeared to be a new colleague.

"Could I please borrow him from you real quick?"

"Oh yes, ofcourse, I said as I opened up the jaildoor for him.

He then took my, apparently criminal, friend, with him.

I didn't want to interupt the policeman doing his job, and so I continued walking to my desk.

I noticed Gabriel wasn't anywhere in sight. Strange seeing as I myself was already a bit late and Gabriel is often the one an hour early, hyper on sugar ready for the day.

I figured he probably got stuck in line at the candystore. Wouldn't be the first time.

I sat down at my desk and stared at my reflection on the computerscreen. It was then that I heard someone calling me. "Novak!"

There is only one person who calls me that in such a serious manner. And I'm guessing he didn't have good news either. "Yes, sir?" I asked slightly scared of whatever news he would give me.

"Come to my office at once."

"Oh god," I whispered to myself as I stood up.


I entered Michaels' office. "Sir, you called me?"

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