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POV: Gabriel

I entered the police station, holding a box of donuts, as I noticed a chaotic vibe near Mikey's office. I decided to see what's going on.

I entered and there stood Cas getting yelled at by Mike.

"How could you be so foolish? Weeks- No- Months! Months and you couldn't find him. Now Officer Novak catches him and you let him get away again!"

For a second I was confused why he yelled at Novak, about Novak, before I realised he ment the other Novak.

"Hey guys," I said nervously as I tried to ease the tension but also prevent getting yelled at myself. "Anyone care for a donut?"

"Now is not the time Campbell. Can't you see we have a bigger issue here."

"Yea, I figured, what happened?"

"A very good question indeed Campbell. What did happen Novak? Care to explain to your dear colleague what happened?"

"We uhm, Office Claire, she uhm..." Castiel tried to talk but seemed lost at his words. "She caught him, my guy, the prankguy..."

"Well, that's great, isn't it? Then why is everyone so-"

"That's not the full story," Castiel interrupted. "I, uhm, might have let him escape."

"I- How-" is all I said before I stopped myself. How it happened didn't matter right now. It's what to do next that is important. "So, what now?" I asked.

"I send some officers to see if they can find him, but I doubt they will. I can't imagine him being foolish enough to get caught again. Ofcourse, I would've thought I wouldn't be so foolish as to let him get away in the first place. I know every officer here. I should've known something was suspicious when there was a sudden new guy..."

He spoke some more after that but I wasn't really paying attention anymore untill I startled him with a sudden, slightly too loud, "but wait!"

"What?" he asked.

"Don't we have security cameras? We now finally have video evidence! And not to forget the mugshot they took of him when they arrested him!"

"Yeah," Mike said, "about that. There is something you should know as well."


"Our securitycameras got hacked. And so did the camera we use for the booking photograph. Even the printed out photos are gone. They must have taken them while they escaped."

"They? Wait no, one thing at a time. We got hacked? Again?"

"Yes, it appears so," Mike replied.

"But wait, does that mean it's the same guy? That can't be, can it?"

"No," Castiel replied, "My guy was in jail the whole time. He couldn't have hacked it from in there."

"So then who hacked this place?" I asked.

"It appears to have been your guy," Mike said.

"But that's impossible, why would my guy help your guy?"

"Maybe they work together, or they are friends," Castiel replied.

"Oh come on Cas, seriously? Like what, you think they're crimebuddies? Think they get together every sundaynight, drink beer and talk about the crimes they did that week?"


POV: Author

It's sundaynight. The two criminals sit on the couch in their livingroom, both holding a beer.

"Bro, I swear to god, you are gonna die when you hear what me and Benny did last night."


(I'm so fucking funny. I can't. Comedic genius right here. So anyway, what's your second favourite shoesize? Explain using three words.)

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