Chapter 39: Wedding Day

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Adora's P.O.V

Today was the day. The wedding. Catra didn't want to wait too long. It had been two weeks since she had proposed. She had stopped me one night, after I had just gotten out of the shower and told me how much she loved me. How much she wanted me. To have forever. I want to start the rest of my life with you. She had said to me.

She got down on one knee and pulled out a ruby ring. I looked down at my hand. The ring was still there. It was beautiful. I remembered how she had smiled awkwardly that night, gesturing towards the ring.

"Adora this is going to be perfect! I'm so happy for you!" Glimmer yelled at me and shook me.

Her and Bow were in the room with me, helping me put on my dress.

Which although I had insisted I was more then capable of putting it on myself, they didn't listen.

"This is going to be perfect!" Bow screamed.

"You already said that." I said shaking my head. "Oh yeah." Bow said scratching the back of his head. I heard the music begin and nerves began to set in.

Glimmer looked in the mirror I was standing in front of. "You look beautiful Adora. Don't worry, we are going to make this the best wedding ever. Well besides, Bow and I's wedding." Glimmer smiled at me.

I smiled back at her and turned to go. Glimmer told me she'd walk me down the aisle, since I didn't have a father who could. Glimmer put her hand in my arm and said, "Ready?" I nodded at her as we began to step out of the tent that was pitched for me.

I walked outside and saw Catra standing at the end of the aisle. She was wearing a white suit, like the one she had for our date. She had her hair done neatly and a smile on her face as she waved slightly at me.

Glimmer smiled down the aisle too. Bow was standing next to Catra along with some of the princesses on my side. There was no sign of Entrapta but that was normal.

I saw Catra smiling and nodding at the Queen in the chairs set up. Then we walked to Catra and I stood across from her.

This was just how I had imagined it. Catra smiled at me as she held both of my hands. The man next to us began to tell us to repeat after him. Richer or poor, sickness and in health and everything like that. Then came the vows. Catra decided to go first.

"Adora, I can't believe today has actually happened. I have been waiting forever to be yours. And you mine. Now that it is today, I have never been happier. Ever since we met each other when i was taken into the Fright Zone. You never left my side. We were always together. Even when we were apart. Now I know we will always be together. I have loved you since the day I met you. And I know that we have always felt this. Today we are just putting labels on us. And that's okay too." Catra finished while smiling.

The man next to us motioned for me to go. I was still taken aback by Catra's vows. I knew I had to try and make mine as good as hers. I had even prepared them.

"Catra, I know we have always been there for each other. Through everything possible. Even the impossible. We have always had each other's backs. We fight together. We dance together. We love together. We do everything together. Now we can live the rest of our lives together. I love you Catra." I said to her. Catra smiled at me and squeezed my hands. The man next to us said, "You may kiss the bride." As Catra and I both leaned towards each other as our lips touched.

Everyone around us cheered.

After the wedding we all hung out for a while but Catra and I finally managed to sneak out of there and go off by ourselves. We got changed out of our clothes and went to a nearby overlook of the ocean. We both sat down and looked at the water below us as the moon set.

"So today was.." "Epic." Catra finished for me. She put her hand on mine. "Now we have our whole lives for each other. With each other." I said to her as she kissed my cheek.

I rested my head on her shoulder. She sighed as she still had her hand on mine. "Today was everything I had ever wanted." Catra said to me. I nodded as I was still on her shoulder. She chuckled as she put her head on mine. "Adora.." Catra said to me. I got up from her shoulder. I knew what she was going to say was serious.

She had trouble looking me in the eyes but she shook herself and got together. "So as you know, we have our whole lives together now. And we're starting a family right.."

I nodded at her as she looked at me. Then I realized what she had said. "We're starting a family now?" I said to her. I squeezed her hand and scooted towards her. "Adora.. I'm pregnant." She said to me as she looked down at our hands.

"Right now?" "Right now." I smiled and sighed. I thought she was going to say something really bad. "That's.. great. Catra. I'm going to help you with this too. Anything you need. How long have you been.."

"Two weeks. I had Angela help me with it until now."
I smiled and hugged her. "Well I'm glad. You two have gotten close huh?"

Catra smiled and waved me off as we both laughed. "Thank Etheria I have you." I said to her. "Damn right." She said looking at me. I slowly leaned into her chest and I kissed her. She smiled as we both landed on the ground. Being married was even better then I had imagined.

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now