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The sky is blue today, just like it always is, there are 5 elfs from different races standing together talking something.

"Guys, this is our big day to reach the top of the Yggdrasil!" You said, "Maybe this is our first time working together for the same goal!!" You spinned your cane with your right hand.

"Just this once." A female sylph carrying a katana complained. She has big boobs and dark green hair. "I am leveling up my katana skill..... If I died, I will have to do it all over again..." She signed.

"Come on!! I will die too!! We can upgrade our skills together!!!" You laughed.

"Things always go crazy when you're around!!!Feel my strength you punk!!" A middle-aged male salamander with a magenta two-handed sword yelled. He has a handband on his forehead, he wanted to beat you up, but the sylph pulled him back and patted his shoulder, then he immediately quiet dwon.

"You know we'll all die, and you are bringing us to do such a quest?!!" The sea elf leader, who is a 12 year old kid exclaimed. "Are you playing with us?!!" He almost drew his sword.

"Hold on hold on!!!" You waved your hands nervously, "If one of us reached the top, just take some photos and share to everyone, how's that?" You said.

"... Alright, I am just doing this for Sakuya chan." The kid said. "But don't let our clans know we 5 LEADERS had done a raid TOGETHER. Or else we will be rebelled right?"

"We didn't technically PARTY with each other. And even if we did, npbody will believe that~~" You said casually.

The cat sith loli leader spoke up, "(p/n) san is really a charismatic person~~I want to have his babies~~" She said.

"No thanks." You rejected her without hesitation.

"Why am I even doing that?!! What's wrong with me!!??" The salamander screamed.

"Anyway, just do it!!" You said. You are the only teenager among the leaders. Others are either adults or kids. You are known as (p/n), the Magician who cannot be predicted.

They others and you stacked a pyramid, the salamander was at the bottom, then the kid, the female sylph, the loli cat sith, and you at the top.

The salamander flipped its wings and started lifting the people above upwards. The rest of you didn't move your wings and just let him do it.

After 10 minutes, he was exhausted.

"I'm done...." He stopped grabbing the kid's feet and he fell down.

"Thanks Eugene!!" You exclaimed. It's the 9 year old sea elf kid's turn now.

He pushed you guys to lift you up, he flipped his wings with all his strength. Unlike Eugene, he only kept on like 5 minutes, and he's already tired.

"Hang on!!!" You yelled.

"I... I can't...." He gasped.

"Don't give up!! Withdrawing so easily isn't what a good boy should do~~❤️" Sakuya said this in a seductive tone.

"I AM NOT TIRED NOW!!! I AM FULL OF POWER!!!" The 9 year old kid blushed madly and shouted. He flipped his wings more and pushed you guys upwards. Unbelievably, he made it until 10 minutes has passed.

"You've done well. My turn now." The female sylph called Sakuya said. Then she showed her wings and pushed you and the cat sith leader upwards.

"If.... If our clan... Our clan knows that we.... We..." Sakuya inhaled to continue, "We tried to get to the top of the Yggdrasil together.... How will they think of us...." Sakuya said.

"I don't know~But as long as (p/n) wants to do something, I will follow him~~" The cat sith said.

"As long as you like Alicia..." Sakuya signed.

Sakuya kept pushing and pushing, until she finally used all her strength and fell down like a leaf drifting in the wind.

"There are only us left (p/n) kun....." The cat sith leader Alicia said with her yandere like look.

"Oh my god just push!!!" You yelled.

"Alright💋" She immediately pushed you up with all your strength until she fell down too.

"There's only me..." You murmured. You pushed yourself and flew towards the top.

5 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes...

You flew long enough, but you still haven't reached even the branches of the Yggdrasil yet.

When you are about to give up, you suddenly spotted something.

A cage?

"I gotta take a picture."

You flew to the cage with all the strength you left, only 30 seconds left.

You got close to the cage and spotted something.

A girl with apricot hair, wearing revealing white clothes, with a red bow tie on her chest. You aren't sure whether it's your illusion or not, she seems sad.

You decided to get close and take photos, you took out your camera and took a few photos of the tree. You zoomed your camera and aimed the girl in the cage, you took like 10 photos when you clicked the shutter.

Damn, 10 seconds left.

She suddenly spotted you, then she stretched her arms out, looks like she's seeking for help.

You spotted her too.

8 seconds left.

You sprinted to her way and reached out your cane, trying to her grab it.

When she almost touched the cane, suddenly a leg kicked it away.

It's a blond man with green eyes and green wings.

He then immediately dragged the girl away and said, "My sweet Titania.... I can't let you do that...."

The Titania tried to struggle, but the man just took her away by force.

You lost your strength as well. You fell down like a dead fly.

"Game Over, You are dead."

You then turned into flames and you logged out.

You took the AmuSphere away.

This is a big discovery, you thought. Gotta put it on the internet... You opened the computer and transferred the picture into the computer, then you uploaded it to some big websites.

You began to put your AmuSphere away and start doing your homework, however, you can't concentrate at all.

Who's that Titania? Why is she locked up? Why is she seeking for help?? Who's the man by the way??

These things disturbed you a lot. You can't even sleep well.

Gotta find the truth behind all these.

At the other hand, Kirito, the hero beating SAO, found a mysterious mail.


Look at this!!!!

The mail attached a photo.

Kirito looks extremely surprised and confused at the same time.

Because the one in the attached photo is the apricot hair girl you found.

Our battle isn't ovet yet.

From Agil.

"That's right." Kirito said.

"Asuna....wait for me. "

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