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The drive to Lori was quite and uneventful. Shane decided to be smart and do the right thing ..not touch me or even speak to me.

At least we could both focus on Lori. He cared more for her then he did about getting into my pants, and that I could respect.

A figure walked down the center of the road, not stumbling in the ways a walker would.

"Shane I think that's her" I said. As we got closer the headlights shone on the figure, revealing Lori. Shane hit the breaks and put the car in park and I hurriedly jumped out and ran towards her. Shane beat me to it, grabbing ahold of her, his hands shaking "are you ok? I saw the wreck" he said.

Lori nodded her head "I'm fine" she said . Shane pulled his flashlight from his pocket and shone the light into her eyes, checking for a concussion.

"Are you having any stomach pains?" I asked her, gently reaching forward and pressing on her small belly. Everything felt the way it should, but it never hurt to ask. She shook her head no.

"We have to get you back" Shane said, pulling her towards the car. Lori yanked her hand back with good strength for someone who just rolled their car "no, we have to find Rick" she said sternly.

Shane nodded "he's already back" Shane lied. I bit my tongue and kept my mouth shut. I knew he was doing it for her good. And for once, we could agree on something. That Lori needed to be back at the farm and safely in her tent on her bed, resting.

I avoided eye contact with her as she looked to me for confirmation. I was never a good liar. She would take one look at me and know I was lying. I couldn't risk that.

"Thank God." She said, slowly walking towards the car where she opened up the passenger door and climbed inside. I got in the seat behind her and inhaled a deep breath to try and relax myself. I didn't like being out this late. Who knows when a big walker hoard decided to stumble on through.

Shane took no time in getting back to the farm. He went about 80 the whole way back. Everyone was waiting around, and they all came walking up to the car when we pulled into the driveway.

Everyone rushed towards Lori, overloading her with questions and concerns and I tuned it all out as I found myself looking for the only an only dickhead of the earth.


And he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I walked towards the tent to find that the old one had been taken down and a newer one in better condition had been put up.
I walked in the zipper to see my bed made and my things nicely put in their seperate areas. But none of Daryl's things were there.

I felt myself panic. But why? Why did I panic because of him moving into a seperate tent by himself.

I stormed out of the tent and looked around, bumping into Carol as I spun around. I grabbed ahold of her to steady her and I gasped "I'm so sorry, I'm just-"

"If your looking for Daryl...he's that way" she said pointing towards the trees about 150 yards away. I could see a small light out there where he had made a fire. I looked back at Carol "thanks" I said, before I started walking out there.

I saw dead squirrels hanging in the trees and I saw his tent set up not to far from the fire. He sat on a log, sharpening his knife quickly and skillfully.

I felt my anger sitting in my chest just waiting to show it's face "So you have sex with me and just , take off? For some reason I thought you'd handle it more like a man then a hormone driven little boy who can't keep his dick in his pants" I said, arms crossed as I stood a yard or so away from him.

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