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It had been two days since Andrea and Michonne first arrived here in Woodbury

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It had been two days since Andrea and Michonne first arrived here in Woodbury. Since then I've had plenty of time to talk to Andrea and reminisce the past and the night we lost everyone else. I could tell it was hard on her like it was on me. She felt pretty abandoned, even though I guaranteed no one meant to leave her on purpose.

It was no one else's fault that I got left behind. The group did what they had to to survive, even if they had waited at the highway for us to get there, by the time I arrived it was overrun.

Michonne still hadn't spoken to me all that much. She was constantly on guard here, constantly hyper aware of everything. Whenever I was around she was constantly sizing me up, and I let her if it made her feel better. After awhile she seemed to ease up around me though, which I was glad for. Small victories still count.

The Pilot ended up passing away and Doctor Stevens and I were unable to revive him. After the fact, the Governor and his men had removed the body for cremation and Doctor Stevens and I were left to clean up the aftermath.

I had barely slept that night, the guilt of not being able to save a life was eating away at my heart and mind. By the time I fell asleep, I only had a few hours before I needed to be up for the day. I got dressed and curled my hair to change up my look a little, sighing slightly as I looked in the mirror at myself for a long moment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daryl in my minds eye reflecting on the mirror behind me and before I could stop it I felt two big fat tears stream down my cheeks.

I was teetering on the edge of having faith and hope or just losing all of it. If I reconnected with Andrea after all this time then there's still a chance that I could reconnect with Daryl. But what were the true chances of it? In the world we lived in...how could I possibly count on just faith? The group had talked about heading to Fort Benning for a long time, if they had headed that direction then there was absolutely no way I could ever find them again. I felt helpless staying inside these walls, despite the fact I was helping people every single day. I wasn't out there...I wasn't looking for them.

But Merle was. At this rate he was our only hope.

It made me sick to my stomach knowing that some part of me was starting to accept the fact that Daryl was gone.

It made me loathe myself beyond words.

A knock sounded at my door and I slowly stood up, walking to the door and opening it up to see Martinez standing there was a single rose in his hand, extended out to me. His big muscles were on full display in his muscle tank top. His ball-cap was on backwards, giving me the perfect view of his handsome face.

I sighed and smiled a little, taking the flower from him and turning around, grabbing a cup an filling it with water "I appreciate the gesture Martinez, but I'm not-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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