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Before I start this chapter, I would like to say that it has been obviously quite some time since I've updated this story. With that being said, I went through and reread the whole thing, and I realized that the last chapter was a duplicate of a chapter I had already done, so I would really like everybody to disregard.

I am going to start it back up and I apologize to those if you have them waiting for an update on this book. Truthfully, there was a lot going on in life and I was more focused on one of my other Daryl Dixon fan fictions just because it had more views than this one , however, as I reread through a lot of your comments, and how much love that this story has gotten, it's inspired me to continue it.

Thank you to those who have been following this story for several years now and I've stuck around to see what happens next. Hopefully I can keep my momentum up and honestly I've had some more fanfiction ideas that I might be implementing as well.


Dropping Randall off in the middle of nowhere didn't work out as planned

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Dropping Randall off in the middle of nowhere didn't work out as planned. Turns out he knew who Maggie was and had even gone to school with her. He knew the Greene's, and where the farm was located, which complicated things tenfold.

He had been locked back up in the shed the entire time since being back, and Daryl was stuck with playing the role of interrogator since Shane couldn't be trusted to do it without killing the kid. I hated the fact he was the one who had to do it, things like that only brought out the worst in people.

I stood out in the field underneath a tree, faintly I could hear the cries and screams of Randall pleading with Daryl to stop the beatings and I grimaced. Soft footsteps came up beside me and I looked over to see Dale with his rifle slung over his shoulder. He furrowed his big bushy brows together tightly as his eyes narrowed on the old shed "You can't tell me your okay with this Sequoia, that's your man in there doing that" he said.

I shook my head and averted my gaze down to my feet as I kicked at the dirt "I don't like it anymore then the next person Dale, no one likes this" I said "Well maybe Shane...but that's about it" I said as a chill creeped up my spine at the mention of the unstable man. "I don't like that Daryl has been tasked with the dirty work, but Shane would kill him and no one else has the gall to do it".

Dale shook his head "It's inhumane...it's cruel and unnecessary" he continues.

As if I didn't know that. But infuse was wrong about it being unnecessary. From what I had known, Randall has been unwilling to tell us anything about the group he was with. If they came looking for him we would all be in a world of hurt. We needed to know the details, we needed the information to keep ourselves safe. So getting it like this...was unfortunately necessary.

"We have to know, or else everyone here is at risk" I said, peering to the shed as Daryl opened it up and started locking it back up behind him. His knuckles were coated in a layer of blood and sweat dripped from his forehead from the work out the beating provided.

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